> San Juro saanjuro at grnail.com
> Sat Nov 25 08:26:17 PST 2017

> hate-mongering
> bullshit

It is not clear what is "hate"ful about zztop's messages, at least the
ones full of links.  It's not different than grarpamp's messages.

In fact, "hate" isn't something that can be avoided.  "To love is to
know hate. To hate is to know love."

> nobody cares about, reads,
> or has any interest in your
> constant stream of vitriol

Again, it is unclear what is bad with criticism or with facts.  Will
you rebut his claims? Or will you channel your "hate" into another
spam message to the list?

> brown "refugees" shouldn’t be allowed
> to seek sanctuary

Maybe this is your problem.  
"Brown" is a descriptive identifier of color, not a type of person. 
To label someone to "brown" is strips them of their ancestral heritage
and cultural identity. Such is to identify or label with "white" or

People are more than this.

Also, "refugees" are being relocated to mostly European nations, given
priority over immigrants, and given tax-payer money, enough to pay
taxes, for which they are exempt, while being deemed "culturally
unfit" to obey the laws and face responsibility for their actions.

Why are the homeless not treated good like this?
Where do you live, samurai?

> because they stab everybody

You forgot rape, unless you don't think a penis is a knife, though it
seems like you do.

> WTF does that have to do with cryptography
> or anarchy?

What does your spam post have to do with these things?
This is a National Socialist board, with people from the entire
spectrum, though mostly marxist communists and anarcho-libertarians,
lol.  All are greedy capitalists at heart.

> I guess most people just ignore you?

Yep.  Because most people are piece of shit.
ZAY-Z offers more to list than anybody.  Unless you wc -c the
archives, then cecelia does.

> hurr durr, facts are bad

Well argued.

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