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 TUE's: How Americans Dope and get away with it
 VICE comes out swinging at Fort Russ News, here's what we think

America - bringing VICE to the world...

On Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 02:08:38PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 5:11 AM Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
> > > If anyone wanted an example of propaganda and political bullying:
> > >
> > > "The IAAF and now the sports bodies of the US and Canada are not only
> > > demanding that Russian athletes prove their innocence before they can
> > > take part in the Games.  They also demand that even if athletes prove
> > > their innocence, they should only be allowed to take part in the Games
> > > as “neutrals” and not as Russians.  Thus even if proved innocent Russian
> > > athletes would have to deny their nation and their country – foregoing
> > > the right to wear its colours or hear its anthem if they win."
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > (I'm not sure anyone takes seriously the assertion that USA basically
> > > does not use propaganda, only speaks truth and righteousness - I find it
> > > quite amazing that such an assertion was even put in this mailing list
> > > but I guess it's possible -some- people do believe that...)
> On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 06:07:05PM +0000, Sean Lynch wrote:
> > Participate as a country, dope as a country, get banned as a country. Maybe
> > Russia should clean its house if it wants representation at the games. Or
> > if the institution itself is illegitimate, why do Russians want to
> > represent their country so badly at the games?
> Oh well, the IOC refused to ban "the entire Russian Olympic team,
> regardless", but ultimately "justice" is served - with the banning of,
> wait for it,
>   the entire Russian --Paralympic-- team.
>       YEAH!
> Now -that-'s "justice", right Sean? Punish those paraplegic bastards!
> Every last one of them, whether guilty or not!!!
> YEAH! U! S! A!  Delivering JUSTICE to THE WORLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> God -damn- we need to be greatful to America!
> And what a wonderful world we live in... so much empathy, harmony and
> justice.
>  God Praise America!!!
> (Yes, AND you, CIA, you snivelling grovelling sluts! Thank you SO much
> for this effective, decisive and ultimately just and  righteous, psyops
> campaign.  Fucken A!)
> ** Vladimir Putin slams Paralympic ban; Congratulates Russian athletes
> (
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> By Alexander Mercouris on Aug 26, 2016 02:00 pm
> russia paralympics
> Russian President Putin has just given a scathing assessment
> ( of the collective ban
> on Russia’s Paralympic Team.
> In doing so he has made it quite clear that he – like most Russians –
> sees the ban as purely political and completely rejects the reasoning
> behind it…
> “The decision to disqualify our Paralympic athletes goes beyond law,
> morality and humanity. It is quite simply cynical to take out one’s
> revenge and frustration on people for whom sport has become their life
> purpose and whose example gives hope and self-confidence to millions of
> people with disabilities. I even feel pity for those who take decisions
> of this kind because they do not understand just how degrading this is
> for them.”
> (Bold italics added)
> The words “revenge and frustration” quite clearly show that Putin sees
> the campaign to ban the Russian Paralympic team as an act of spite and
> revenge for the failure to achieve a collective ban of the Russian
> Olympic team.
> The Russians have made it clear that they do not agree with the legal
> reasoning of the CAS decision upholding the ban,
> (
> and that they will continue to contest it in the civil courts and in the
> European Court of Human Rights.
> As I have said previously, there is no doubt the Russians will pursue
> legal action to its conclusion in this affair
> ( .
> With the International Paralympic Committee looking at a disastrous
> failure of the Paralympic Games in Rio and apparently short of money, it
> may not be in good shape to contest whatever court cases the Russians
> bring, or to pay any court awards the Russians might win.
> In addition to his comments about the Paralympic ban, Putin also made
> some very interesting comments about the Russian athletes who competed
> in the Rio Olympic Games
> “We know what a difficult time our athletes had in Rio. The team was cut
> by nearly a third just before competition was about to start and lost
> the chance to show its ability in the sports in which Russia has
> traditionally been one of the recognised favourites. But you measured up
> to all of these challenges, showed great unity and proved that victory
> can be won not just by numbers, though numbers were important too, but
> perhaps more importantly, victory is also won through skill. You
> displayed a true fighting spirit, did not melt down or bend under the
> pressure, but fought and won.”
> (Bold italics added)
> The words “showed great unity” surely refer to the point I have made
> previously ( : that
> not a single Russian athlete has succumbed to the pressure to turn
> informer in return for the reward of a guaranteed place in the Rio
> Olympic Games and a lucrative sports career in the West.
> What that means is that the entirety of the evidence that there is or
> was a state-sponsored system of doping in Russia is that contained in
> the McLaren report, which CAS has already said is “incomplete” and
> cannot be used as evidence in deciding the fate of individual athletes.
> That puts the IAAF, WADA, the IPC and potentially McLaren himself, in a
> very fragile position in light of the pending court cases.
> The post Vladimir Putin slams Paralympic ban; Congratulates Russian
> athletes
> (
> appeared first on The Duran ( .

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