Welp. Your hatred of 'jooKkkristians' feeds the ovens, stupid.
-------- Original message --------From: juan <juan....@gmail.com> Date: 
12/15/17  11:36 AM  (GMT-08:00) To: cp <cypherpu...@cpunks.org> Subject: Re: 
Bitcoin... Destroying the planet 
On Fri, 15 Dec 2017 13:34:14 -0500
John Newman <j...@synfin.org> wrote:

> I have no reply to this. 

        I know =)

> You just made all my points, 

        you don't have any points =) 

> and
> your confused views, clear - or as clear as this line of 
> thought would ever go. And to answer your one cogent
> question: of course American atrocities are fucking 
> horrible. How that makes Nazi atrocities acceptable is
> beyond me (unless you hate "joos").

        did I say nazi atrocities were acceptable? I don't think I
        said it nor implied. So what the are you talking about? 

> Cheers (and merry "KKKristmas"!)

        thank you - you surely are filled with kkkristian love these
        days  =)

> John
> On December 15, 2017 12:05:28 PM EST, juan <juan....@gmail.com> wrote:
> >On Thu, 14 Dec 2017 22:01:50 -0500
> >John Newman <j...@synfin.org> wrote:
> >
> >
> >> >
> >> >  sorry no - for starters the concept of race is bullshit,
> >> >  but if you are going to use it in an informal way, then
> >> >  blacks, asians and whites would roughly belong to
> >> >  'races'  - joos are just a mix of arabs ('semites')  and
> >> >  europeans, so not a race 
> >> >
> >> >  but since you believe there is a jewish (master) race
> >> >  maybe you are a bit of a racist? 
> >> >  
> >> >
> >> 
> >> No, you believe it, or you wouldn't throw it around as an 
> >> insult to people who are Jewish only by birth -
> >
> >
> >     what about you reread what you wrote and my reply? YOU
> >     stated theres a joo race. I explained why that's nonsense. 
> >
> >     I certainly use joo as an insult to assholes who consider
> >     themseleves jewish. Again, that is not racism. It's exactly
> >     the same thing as referring to americans as americunts. But
> >     maybe you believe americans are a race too? 
> >
> >
> >> they have
> >> Jewish parents. People who have no theology whatsoever.
> >     
> >
> >     joodaism is not just a religion - it is a tribalistic 
> >     anti-culture. A form of nationalism with good doses of
> >     theocracy and racism of course, but being an explicit
> >     religious nutcase is not required. Take a look at the alan
> >     greenscum-bin bernanke-yellen cunt-goldman sachs team for
> >     instance. 
> >
> >
> > 
> >> 
> >> Even non practicing Jews? Like Razer, who is Jewish only
> >> in the sense that he had Jewish parents? 
> >
> >     the moment rayzer starts denouncing judaism as a fucking
> >     fraud he'll earn some deserved respect. Meanwhile you can
> >     check the archives for his comments on joo 'sacred texts'.
> >
> >
> >
> >> 
> >> You think the Nazis gave a fuck whether a Jew practiced
> >> the Jewish religion or not? Answer: they did not, just as you seem
> >> to not give a fuck. Or maybe you side with Zzzz and think the
> >> Holocaust is a big myth from the "joooish overlords"?
> >
> >     ah yes the holocaust. Killing jews  was so different from
> >     burning millions of people alive using phosphorus and atomic
> >     bombs like you anglo-americunt nazis did. 
> >
> >     by the way, are you aware that jews fought on the
> >     german-austrian side on WWI? You know, the germans and
> >     austrians were the nazis, except they haven't got that name
> >     yet. 
> >
> >     
> >
> >> 
> >> I'm sorry but trying to frame your constant stream of vitriol
> >> about Jews around their theology does not fly. It's
> >> bullshit.  
> >
> >
> >     except I didn't say it's just theology, bah, 'theology' -
> >     lunatic voodooo is a better term for it. 
> >
> >
> >
> >> 
> >> 
> >> >  I think in a few days there's going to be some ritual
> >> >  voodoo ceremony  where joo jesus cock get sucked -
> >> >  kkkristmas or somethin
> >> 
> >> Haha :) Happy hannukah lol.
> >
> >
> >     yeah not really that funny though. Just in case it's not
> >     clear enough, fucking kkkristianity is partially just a
> >     jewish sect. Jews were involved in its 'foundation' and a
> >     good deal of kkkristian garbage is jew garbage - but maybe
> >     you can complain about "racism againt poor oppressed
> >     christians" too? 

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