On December 22, 2017 4:03:42 PM EST, Marina Brown <catskillmar...@gmail.com> 
>On 12/22/2017 12:11 PM, John Newman wrote:
>> On December 21, 2017 5:58:00 PM EST, Sandal Snare <san...@cock.li>
>>>> Marina Brown catskillmarina at gmā́il.comm
>>>> Thu Dec 21 13:03:57 PST 2017
>>>> pride to "White" nationalists
>>> The US government classifies Hispanics as "White", so I am not sure
>>> what
>>> kind of fucked up argument you are making.
>>> "White" also includes most of the Jewish community.
>>> I am beginning to realize that you don't know shit about politics,
>>> history, or even reality.
>>>> US political parties
>>> Are private, for-profit corporations.
>>> Yet you occupy wallstreet antifa anarcho-commies support one.
>>> The one that is historically racist.
>>>> and more cops.
>>> "Democrat"-lead cities and counties, such as Chicago IL and Alameda
>>> have the greatest police presence.  Because they are racists who see
>>> "color" like you.
>>> Please inform yourself instead of spreading lies on this list.
>>>> anti-privacy figures on the Trump admin side.
>>>> Disgusting.
>>> Correct.
>>> The Autist Formerly Known as Julian Assange is ante privacy.
>>> So are many of the people on this list.
>>> And ante freedom.
>>> Save for "juan", "zztop", and maybe "grarpamp".
>> ROFL. Im not sure your little team there actually has any
>> interest in working together. I do think you and zzz make a 
>> cosy pair, a couple of "irreverent nazis" linked arm in 
>> arm, goose stepping in your best lederhosen, talking
>> only amongst yourselves.
>It would be ever so nice if the list got back to talking about privacy
>and cryptography rather than worshipping hitler.


My apologies for responding to clowns.  I need to update
my filters.

In crypto news... I got a YubiKey..and it was defective!
Did nothing, was recognized as nothing when plugged in.
Im waiting on the replacement.

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