On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 05:26:32PM -0800, ilsa wrote:
> I might not have computer language skills but I am one of you.  I never
> spoke up before but doing this is part of my grieving process. If there is
> a true kind person who might give me a helping hand with my privacy needs,
> find a way to let me know.

Having genuine privacy in this day and age is a genuinely difficult
thing - and the shekel grabbers ridding humans of pesky private cash
are galloping as fast they can to the distopian 1984 and the like.

There is no silver bullet. Wish there were...

No silver bullet operating system. Nor user software. Nor hardware.

Almost everything is compromised somewhere.

Libre software is your only hope for a better future, but it will
require libre hardware for an actual long term shift.

Libre hardware is a ways off (for "years" values of "a ways").

Sorry, no easy answer, except stop putting your information online -
you should already be aware that Googoyle, Faceblots, Twatter and the
rest are absolute privacy violators - in fact, they are "your data"
government funnels, direct to the NSA, CIA, FBI, Police, Mil, and
your government reps.

The only way forward is spending your human attention on things that
have an actual foundation of libre ...

Good luck,

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