The CYPHERPUNK, a F/oss monthly.

"A zine about internet culture, urban nomadism, and post-industrial
life (via radical sustainability and low-watt FM radio).  Taking back
the internet commons from the large-media conglomerates, providing
recipes for mental liberation, and strapping down the inhuman machine
that has become the American populace, putting on a harness, and
riding it like a bucking cowboy.  If you know how to code, this zine
is for you.  For those who are neophytes, Floss stands for “free,
libre, open-source software”.  The computer is a lawmaker, this is for
the liberators of the machine."

Article ideas:

Internet Revolution:  taking it back from blogs and hogs.
Hack the Law:  How to use the law to make more freedom
Encryption Techniques: for Entertainment Only
Some comics:  Samurai Jack, the elite coder that once turned an O(n^4)
problem into an O(1) problem, simply by outputting "yes".
Indymedia:  solving the low-watt transmitter problem
Hacker Manifestos:  what we (still?) stand for..
Activism Updates: Occupy?
ASCII Art:  Why 80 columns was better.

This is a call for writers.  Write me.


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