On Sun, 25 Mar 2018 04:50:49 -0400
grarpamp <grarp...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > "you have the right to dictate what people in your house say"
> Nobody said forced utterage.

        it is included as well. And irrelevant to the point being
        discussed, but then it's been clear for a while that you have
        zero arguments.

> Though many have said if they're attempting to shit
> your bed, or have shit it, it's their right to throw them out.

        keep up with the fascist, anti free speech slogans. 

> Of course as usual you fail to offer solutions for those who don't.

        of course as usual you fail to make a single coherent argument
        and when your garbage is shown to be baseless garbage you
        demand "but you have to offer solutions"!!! 

        so you demand that I provide solutions for you.  My
        reply is : fuck you.

        Bottom line here : assholes like you who support censorship are
        the root of the problem. That should give you a hint as to
        where to find the solution you demand. 

> Or to offer anything about your suggested alternate world.
> Bye.

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