Speaking of 1488 and the bifurcationing, Andrew Anglin has shifted -
to civic nationalism, arguably the product of the founding principles
of the West, namely free speech and English common law.

This is the resolution folks.

 Top 7 Reasons I Embraced Civic Nationalism

Jordan Peterson has (thankfully) put into words which the majority
can actually hear (and enjoy), the archetypal foundations of Western
civilization, and for the first time in God knows how long, is an
intellectual bridging our theological and pschological underpinnings
(our "Christian umbrella" society). Here's a speech he gave last year
(unfortunately with sub optimal audio) laying out some of these
insights in his usual way:

 2017_04_21 - A Left-Wing Case for Free Speech

 (This talk is worth struggling with despite the bad audio (VLC has a
 few knows to tweak which slightly improves the situation), as
 Peterson covers the J-curve - no, not some previously unknown Jewish
 statistics, but the Pareto principle which is essentially the
 biological foundation (i.e. certainty) that for example "most of the
 money ends up in the hands of just a few people" - he goes into some
 depth as well on the difference between right wingers and left
 wingers, and how fundamental is our need for free speech;

Individual sovereignty for the win folks‼

So TDS (with CNN's generous and repeated help of course) was a great
exercise in re-establishing our right to public discourse on certain
topics which have been denied to us by the Main Stream Media for a
very long time for obvious MSM ownership reasons. It's been fun,
scary, eye opening and educational for many of course. The overton
window for "us huwaities" was up to a couple of years ago so
compressed, and the racial neo-marxist lefties were so hell bent on
bringing back communism (in the strange belief that doing Mao and
Stalin again would somehow be a good idea) that without the voice of
insight in something like the Zen of Jordan Peterson, the
bifurcationing was set to once again plunge the western world into
true chaos.

Thankfully your asian GF (or BF for that matter) is safe :)

 The Daily Stormer is Embracing Change and the Way Forward for
 American Nationalism

Canada might even be so lucky as to have Jordan Peterson run against

 The Savior of Western Civilization Might Run Against Justin Trudeau
 in the Canadian Elections

Create your world,

On Mon, Mar 26, 2018 at 07:51:31PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> Phase 1:
> Overton window resoundingly expanded - why =thank= you CNN, we
> basement dwelling deplorables may now speak out about Jewish power
> and control (banking, systems of blackmail compromat, hypocritical
> double standards on immigration, etc) in the West:
>   In summary, it's open season on the JQ.
>   (Hell, why shouldn't we freely talk about those people,
>    systems and dynamics which affect us directly?
> Phase 2:
> Uphold the intentions of the American Founding Fathers
> Crunch time folks - the neo-marxist left are overrunning the house,
> bifurcationing is well underway - can a result acceptable to the
> majority of the "backbone of America" be achieved, or will strife
> descend?
> Good luck, and create your world‼
> The following is somewhat lengthy (as blog pages go), a polemic if
> you will, but succinctly covers substantial ground, both past,
> present and possible futures.  Brief snippet quoted:
> America's Founding Fathers reincarnated
> https://dailystormer.name/white-racialism-and-american-nationalism-pt-1/
>   …
>   Spiro:
>      Johnson read aloud to the House fresh consular cables
>      provided by the State Department, warning that the majority
>      of European Jews embarking for the United States were
>      “subnormal,” “twisted,” “deteriorated,” and full of
>      “perverted ideas. . . . These are not those who hewed the
>      forests, . . . conquered the wastes, and built America.
>      These are beaten folk” who, “besides being as a class
>      economic parasites, . . . are impregnated with Bolshevism.”
>      In short, according to the U.S. State Department, “this type
>      of immigrant is not desirable from any point of view at this
>      time.”
>   The 1924 Immigration quotas held even as Jews were being
>   increasingly persecuted under Hitler. In 1939, even following
>   Kristallnacht, only 8% of Americans polled said they wanted to
>   accept more Jewish refugees. That same year, the final attempt to
>   increase the quota – the Wagner-Rogers bill, which called for
>   refuge for Jewish children specifically – was soundly defeated.
>   “One year later,” writes Spiro, “a similar bill to admit British
>   children was introduced into the U.S. Congress. It was quickly
>   approved.”
>   In fact, no Western nation would accept an increase in Jews. In
>   1938, representatives from 32 countries organized the Évian
>   Conference to decide what to do about the ones then living under
>   Nazi rule. The one Jewish representative who was invited to the
>   conference, Golda Meir, wasn’t even allowed to speak. The only two
>   countries in attendance that were willing to take in Jewish
>   refugees were non-white – the Dominican Republic and Costa Rica.
>   Jews who were liberated from concentration camps following the war,
>   far from being given refuge en masse, were instead put into
>   displaced persons camps, where they had to stay for indefinite
>   periods of time until they could be repatriated to their countries
>   of origin. As many Jews feared persecution in those countries, they
>   were forced to continue their underground network to Palestine
>   (which was illegal at the time, as the British had barred their
>   further immigration).
>   …

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