So after this last week and the ongoing absolutely epic Jewish
counter attack against HuffPo blogger Luke O’Brien, in the face of
his previous stalking of TDS' Andrew Anglin, one can hardly call the
guy one-sided.

O'Brien doxed one of the many MAGA infiltrators who are desperately
trying to maintain their tail-grip on the USA-MIC-dog in the Middle
East, using all tactics to convince American millenials that "the
ME's only democracy" (Israel) must be allowed to lead the American
military at all times in all ways, and just you bloody well ignore
the Palestinian situation bucko, since dem Zio's are God’s own chosen
bastards ya hear me boy?‼

Perhaps as O'Brien deep-dived on the "alt-right" he came up against
inescapably compelling facts, like the "racial" homogeneity of the
ownership of the "Western" main stream media behemoths for starters.

The most interesting thing could be the counter-doxing of Luke
O'Brien, his family, and everyone tangentially associated with him,
along with endearing ( ~ ! <> ) life-threats and intimidation,
surprisingly similar to CNN's approach to basement dwelling
deplorable meme-creators who exposed CNN's ownership structure.

Well, well, well, who'da thunked it!

And this aggressive bullying approach is similarly suprisingly
similar to the "God's chosen bastards" Israeli "approach" to
rock-throwing Palestinians near the "Israel" border.

Surprisingly aggressive, to use a subtly understated adjectonym.

Pattern, pattern on the wall, who's the most aggressive democratic
bastards of them all? Well alright, it's probably the Americans, but
they're a dog being wagged by the Israeli tail after all ... but top
marks anyway.

And the dox keep flyin' :)
Heroic HuffPo Blogger Luke O’Brien Doxes Jew “MAGA” Infiltrator –
Destroys Her Life!
Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
June 2, 2018

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