>Steve Kinney admin at pilobilus.net
>Fri Jun 22 16:20:36 PDT 2018
>learn human behavior
This isn't even possible and you know it.

Stop spamming your chink webservices.

>regurgitation using pseudorandom word selection 
Pick only one.

You do know that "insult" isn't one.
It means "whip cracker".
Unironically using it to describe Europeans is an act of subservience,
since it was slaves getting whipped; an act of stupidity, since the
Irish and Scot populations were enslaved alongside Africans and also
whipped; and because Africans were "slave owners", as well.

>white trash
>t. Steve "thinks north florida is white" Kinney.
Imagine being this jewish.
Pic related.

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