Though some residents complain they are almost required to pay for this

On Tue, Jul 3, 2018, 9:42 AM Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:

> A Mexican Town Overthrew Their Local Government And Things Are Going
> Great
>  The town of Cherán, Mexico was once plagued…
>  Cherán is now run by autonomous groups of armed individuals…
>  members of an autonomous militia — guard every entrance to the town,
>  looking for strangers with contraband…
>  “Contraband” would be considered political propaganda posters of
>  those who claim the right to rule other human beings.
>  …Cherán has achieved something unthinkable in Michoacán: a dramatic
>  drop in murder rates, with rates for other serious crimes hovering
>  at nearly zero. For those in Mexico, especially in an election year
>  marred by wanton political murders, Cherán stands as proof that, in
>  the country’s entrenched cycle of violence, the key ingredient to
>  that violence is the state.
> In other news:
> Nevada Traffic Deaths Plunge 10% Following Marijuana Legalization

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