-------- Original message --------From: juan <juan....@gmail.com> Date: 8/9/18  
2:47 PM  (GMT-08:00) To: cypherpunks@lists.cpunks.org Subject: Re: Alex Jones 
Infowars Censored Off Social Media 
On Thu, 09 Aug 2018 12:14:21 -0700
Razer <g...@riseup.net> wrote:

> presented by marketing scumholes like infowars  freethoughtproject, etc. 

        still, what did jones say to get all the american nazis to censor him? 
And even funnier, this happens under the trumpo monarchy? 

                I think his main offense is calling the Sandy Hook school 
shootings a staged fiction, which caused his really really vicious midget 
following to harass, dun, and threaten the child victim's families.
He created a situation where peoples lives were actually threatened over his 
callous blather. Inciting bullying and threats. He took no action to call them 
off. He's culpable and I hope he chokes to death on the vitamin supplements he 
Ps. VenezuelaAnalysis page on FB is back online. Here's their statement on 
their site.  it also appears on their FB page.

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