On 08/31/2018 07:15 PM, jam...@echeque.com wrote:
>>> Fracking is safe everywhere - because if it had anywhere ever caused the
>>> slightest harm, you guys would have better poster girls.
> On 31/08/2018 19:08, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
>> Gas coming out of people's water taps, earthquakes, leaching into
>> water.
> Gas only comes out of people's taps when those taps are fed from deep
> wells, and gas has always come out of people's taps in those areas.
> And the gas that interests frackers does not harm your drinking water,
> only volcanic gases harm your drinking water, which never happens in
> areas being fracked, because frackers do not want volcanic gases.

You should include the phrase "without irony" somewhere in these posts,
to underscore you ironic intent.

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