NEWS from Science NewsApp 

"More Americans are afraid than ever, according to the 5th annual Chapman 
University Survey of American Fears. The 2018 survey revealed that government 
corruption remains Americans' primary concern, and the state of the 
environment, which for the first time represents fully half of Americans' top 
10 fears.
This year, each of the top 10 fears are held by more than half of the 
population; in 2017 only five of that year's top 10 fears were expressed by at 
least half of Americans, indicating that overall fear is on the rise and is 
also more focused on the environment than in previous years."

"Americans' Top 10 Fears in 2018 (percentages include those who answered afraid 
or very afraid):"

"1. Corrupt government officials (73.6 percent)2. Pollution of oceans, rivers 
and lakes (61.6 percent)3. Pollution of drinking water (60.7 percent)4. Not 
having enough money for the future (57 percent)5. People they love becoming 
seriously ill (56.5 percent)6. People they love dying (56.4 percent)7. Air 
pollution (55.1 percent)8. Extinction of plant and animal species (54.1 
percent)9. Global warming and climate change (53.2 percent)10. High medical 
bills (52.9 percent)"

"The annual Chapman University Survey of American Fears provides an in-depth 
examination into the concerns of average Americans, tracking changes and trends 
over the years. The survey asks about 94 topics ranging from government, health 
and environmental matters, to disaster preparedness, the paranormal and 
personal anxieties. " 

"Two striking changes have emerged since 2016. First, a 13 percent increase of 
Americans who fear corrupt government officials, which tops the 2018 list with 
nearly three-quarters (73.6 percent) of Americans reporting being either 
"afraid" or "very afraid" of corruption. Notably, there were no significant 
differences in fears by political affiliation. Second, Americans are 
increasingly worried about the environment. Not a single environmental concern 
made the top 10 list in 2016 but in 2018 five of the top 10 fears are 
environmental in nature."

"The 2018 fear survey results illustrate a continued shift in the primary 
concerns of American citizens," said Christopher Bader, Ph.D., professor of 
sociology at Chapman University. "It is worth noting that the fears regarding 
corruption and the environment have increased significantly following the 
election of President Trump in 2016 and all top 10 fears continue to reflect 
topics often discussed in the media."
 [end of partial quote]

I've got a solution to that problem
I first published my AP (Assassination Politics) essay about 23.5 years ago. Has anyone claimed, since then, that a problem 
doesn't exist, with governments? I don't recall that. Has anyone (else) claimed 
that they have, or even there is, an alternative solution to the problem of 
corrupt government? I don't recall that, either. Some people have reacted 
negatively to AP, which I interpret as not LIKING the AP idea. But they do not 
explain why we should continue to tolerate government at all, or say why there 
is any other solution.
 Jim Bell

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