On November 18, 2018 4:05:38 PM PST, jam...@echeque.com wrote:
>>>> Because nothing of the sort happened in Vietnam that's ever been
>>>> documented anywhere.
>On November 18, 2018 1:56:31 PM PST, jam...@echeque.com wrote:
>>> You lie about Vietnam as the American left formerly lied about
>On 2018-11-19 08:17, Razer wrote:
>> You must mean US LaRouchieLabor Party 'left'. 
>Leftists are all NPCs, all speaking from one script, like an unhelpful 
>call center workers manning an unhelpful help line, and when the script
>is suddenly changed, all leftists everywhere suddenly change and no 
>longer remember that yesterday they were saying something completely 
>Leftists spoke with one voice before 1978 December 25th, and they spoke
>with one voice after 1979 February 16th, but now they say the opposite 
>of what they said before before 1978 December 25th.
>Show us a link to a leftist admitting the Cambodian Autogenocide before
>1978 December 25th, or to a leftist denying the Cambodian Autogenocide 
>after 1979 February 16th.

Your definition of "Leftist" apparently includes fascist organizations (US 
Labor Party, LaRouchies), which is ideologically impossible. You can't tell 
left from right or conflate them at whim to make a point.

>Every single leftist every where, in the sense that any leftist
>who deviated from the party line was promptly denounced and purged, 
>every tenured Academic everywhere, in the sense that there was not one 
>dissenting voice in all of tenured Academia in the entire world, lied 
>about the Cambodian Autogenocide until 1979 January the eighth, when 
>Phnom Penh fell to the Vietnamese, whereupon every leftist every where 
>turned on a dime, admitted the Cambodian Autogenocide and started 
>blaming it on the CIA,
>I just gave you a link to Chomsky denying, excusing, and justifying the
>Cambodian autogenocide.

1. I don't go to links named "Jim.com", or whatever, for authoritative info. 

2. Noam Chomsky is not representative of my POV (for one, he believes in 
so-called "humanitarian interventions") 

3. Your NZ scumbag Nazi buttfuck friend approves of it, so it MUST be a 
diseased link.

>If you say that leftists existed who gave us a different story, link

Right here buddy. Except I'm not a 'leftist'... the 'ist' prefix meaning 
"somethng like".

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