Corrupt governments are inherently inept, or at least appear so. There is a 
decisional overhead in maintaining the illusion of corruption or maintaining a 
certain level of BS that would avoid outraging people enough to take action. 
The complexity in decision making was partially what destroyed the Soviet 
Union, virtually all sectors of society was lying to each other to maintain an 
illusion and the ability of the central government to enforce their plans 
rapidly eroded.

The US government is extremely corrupt. Take Trump for instance, why would the 
media keep mentioning he is corrupt, and yet Congress does nothing about it? 
Congress is the most powerful branch of government, ignoring Congress’s 
capability to censure or remove their own members, a 2/3 vote would allow 
Congress to take any action for any reason, exemplified by the Supreme Court 
decision in Nixon vs. United States (a different Nixon oddly enough). Congress 
can impeach the entire Supreme Court on a whim, impeach the entire Executive 
Branch even.

So what does it say? Maybe Trump really is corrupt, he got rich from money 
laundering or so the media says. Where did the profits from Operation Fast and 
Furious go, to the ATF or to the gun runners themselves? ( ) I suppose 
only Congress has oversight over that matter. But the United States is rapidly 
crumbling, and US politics have become a circus. The whole thing is a 
distraction, clearly. Every major city has rising unemployment, with homeless 
people looking more and more able to work, even the city I live in is in debate 
about adding maybe several dozen units for housing the homeless (which says a 
lot about everyone’s sanity or the size of the local homeless population).

So. The US government can’t do anything about Trump? Just a bunch of leaks and 
exaggerated statements condemning Trump with no evidence? Even if the evidence 
had to be secret, Congress can’t be trusted with it? Or if Congress can be 
trusted with it, do they lack the spine to maintain a functioning and free 

I wonder what happened to the ATF agents involved with violating federal law 
and smuggling cigarettes. Maybe they pulled a John Connolly, forged informant 
reports and accepted bribes. Or they used fake informants and forged the 
paperwork to pay off other officials. It certainly seems outrageous, it sounds 
like the whole ATF could be potentially corrupt, or just a few bad apples. But 
what does it say about the “good” people if they don’t notice what is happening 
around them when they are practically in the thick of it?

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