On April 6, 2019 7:42:45 PM UTC, Steve Kinney <ad...@pilobilus.net> wrote:
>On 4/6/19 12:19 PM, jim bell wrote:> Jim Bell's comment:
>> If a well-functioning AP-type system were available, Zuckerberg
>wouldn't even dream of doing this.
>> Mark Zuckerburg wants censorship to protect his business model:
>I just got my first three day suspension from The Facebook, for
>"Bullying and Harassment."  We all know how the internet interprets
>censorship and what it does; here's the offending text:
>The offending text contains none of the following:  Hate speech,
>disparagement of any person or product, incitement to violence,
>solicitation of crime, commercial content, personal attacks of any
>violent or sexual language of any kind.  It was on-topic in the reply
>thread where I posted it.
>My thoughtcrime?  I questioned the accuracy of the New Zeland Mosque
>shooter's video, without explicitly describing anything in it.  Then I
>very briefly speculated on the propaganda intent of the video,
>concluding that the two most obvious but seemingly 100% contradictory
>objectives would /both/ serve Corporate State interests by "playing
>ends against the middle."

Careful - after FB gives you three strikes your provider will
automatically downgrade your connection to subsistence
speeds, with total disconnection from the network the
eventual, final punishment ;)

Of course, that's a bullshit scenario, right now, in the USA.
But it's not a terrible stretch of the imagination. If the sheep 
can't stay in their lane, they get put down.

>Bullying and harassment?  On second thought, maybe I /did/ break some
>Perfect Citizen's brain and send him howling into the night.  If so, go
>and do ye likewise.

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