Mother of god

On Fri, 12 Apr 2019 at 04:20, grarpamp <> wrote:

> We've been trying to explain for the past few months just how
> absolutely insane the new EU Terrorist Content Regulation will be for
> the internet. Among many other bad provisions, the big one is that it
> would require content removal within one hour as long as any
> "competent authority" within the EU sends a notice of content being
> designated as "terrorist" content. The law is set for a vote in the EU
> Parliament just next week. And as if they were attempting to show just
> how absolutely insane the law would be for the internet, multiple
> European agencies (we can debate if they're "competent") decided to
> send over 500 totally bogus takedown demands to the Internet Archive
> last week, claiming it was hosting terrorist propaganda content. [...]
> And just in case you think that maybe the requests are somehow legit,
> they are so obviously bogus that anyone with a browser would know they
> are bogus. Included in the list of takedown demands are a bunch of the
> Archive's "collection pages" including the entire Project Gutenberg
> page of public domain texts, it's collection of over 15 million freely
> downloadable texts, the famed Prelinger Archive of public domain films
> and the Archive's massive Grateful Dead collection. Oh yeah, also a
> page of CSPAN recordings. So much terrorist content!
cari machet

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