On Wednesday, July 3, 2019, 02:17:26 AM PDT, Ryan Carboni 
<33...@protonmail.com> wrote:
 >What does it mean to participate in society? What does it mean to passively 
 >participate? What happens when you deny a person to even passively 
 >participate? If a person for example, anonymously goes to a hackerspace just 
 >to observe but everyone there is informed ahead of time, what does that say?

>The great ludicrousness of it all is that the President is accused of 
>obstruction of justice and treason all the time. Very good laws.

I have a large amount of experience learning Federal laws, as many of you know. 
 Not merely criminal and appeals law, but also Contract law, Tort law 
(including libel law), Patent law, copyright law, Anti-Trust law, and other 
areas.  I learned those because, unfortunately, I had the time to do so.   So, 
I think I can write with a substantial amount of justification.
I have not heard a single credible allegation that Trump has "obstructed 
justice" or "colluded with the Russians".   What most people, including nearly 
all non-lawyers, don't realize is that the actual meaning of "obstruction of 
justice"  (OOJ) cannot be determined merely by reading the words in the 
statutes.  To understand this, it's necessary to look at years of case-law, 
decisions by courts on what does, and does not, constitute OOJ.  
If someone is out driving, and rear-ends a prosecutor driving to work on an 
important case, that driver certainly impedes that prosecutor, but nobody calls 
it OOJ unless the driver knows he's a prosecutor and does so with the intention 
of impeding that prosecutor's work.  THAT would be OOJ.
Trump fired Comey.   If I had had the power to do so, I would have fired Comey 
on July 5, 2016, the date he gave that execrable speech claiming that "no 
reasonable prosecutor" would charge Hillary Clinton.  I certainly wouldn't have 
allowed Comey to stay on the job after January 20, 2017, when Trump was 
Comey lied, claiming that "no reasonable prosecutor" would charge her.  
Actually, it would be much closer to the truth to say to reasonable prosecutor 
would NOT charge her.  Except those who refused to do so on purely political 
considerations:  They want to see HRC become President.  Comey, and his allies, 
fully knew that if the government had indicted her, she would almost certainly 
have lost the election.  The only way, therefore, she could win the election is 
if they didn't indict her.  They obviously chose the only way consistent with 
letting her win.   That sure sounds like obstruction, to me.   This assumes, of 
course, that there was in existence an arguably valid reason to indict:  And 
there was such a reason, actually multiple reasons!
She was obviously guilty of violation of the Federal Records Act, which 
required her to arrange to have the contents of her private server backed up, 
essentially continuously, with the government, to the National Archives.   She 
did not do that.  She also had her staff delete 33,000 emails:  Her 
justification is that those were "personal".  That was a lie, too.
My understanding is that her famous emails were scanned for strings in their 
subjects, not the full text of the emails themselves.  If the emails had at 
least one of a list of search-words, they would keep them, and the rest would 
be deleted.   For example, what if some of the search terms for the scanning 
were "FBI", "CIA", "government", and "investigation".    Suppose she had 
written an email which was titled, "Let's obstruct the FBBI's and CIIA's 
guvurnment investigayshun".   Obviously, that wouldn't be caught in the scan, 
and therefore these emails would be deleted.  They would be assumed to not be 
government emails.  
Sound implausible?   Well, suppose HRC had decided on this path as early as her 
appointment into office, say early 2009.  Every email she wrote, she could have 
been aware that eventually, it would be scanned for its Subject, and deleted if 
one of a list of text-strings wasn't present.  So, she could assure herself 
that any given email she wrote would be "lost", years from then, and with 
'plausible deniability', at least a fig-leaf.  
Another reason to charge her?   Violation of the Espionage Act.   She kept 
classified information (emails) in an insecure, unapproved server, apparently 
in a converted bathroom.  She didn't have to have any "intent" here, and the 
people who talk about "intent" don't even know about what she was supposed to 
have "intent".   She may have had no "intent" that this information find its 
way into the hands of some official enemy, let's say "the Russians!".  Rather, 
she clearly intended that this information (including classified information) 
stay in an insecure location, one not approved for the secure storage of 
classified information.
How do we know?  Apparently, HRC was given an official government email 
address, on an official government server, which she never used.  That is key:  
At the beginning of her service, she had a decision to make.  Which email 
addresses to use?   She could have legally used her private server for 
government business, as long as:   1.    It wasn't classified information.    
AND  2.   It was contemporaneously backed up by an approved method to 
government servers.  But no, she did not.  
She could have made an effort to do this, putting "classified" emails onto the 
government-supplied server, and non-classified emails into her private server.  
If, later, some errors were made, that would at least look like a plausible, 
innocent error.  But she did not do that, at all.  "Where", we should ask her, 
"did you intend to keep classified emails, if you immediately chose not to use 
the government email address and server?"   She would have had no answer, at 
least no non-incriminating answer.   She clearly made a decision to keep 
classified information in an insecure location.   And THAT constitutes INTENT.  
 And the ostensible lack of "intent" is what Comey claimed justified not 
charging HRC.  But Comey simply misrepresented the law.  HRC HAD intent, just 
not the kind of intent Comey (falsely) claimed she didn't have.  HRC had the 
intent to keep those classified emails in that insecure location.   And that 
was a crime.  

Another problem with the allegations of OOJ against Trump was the claim that by 
firing Comey, Trump was trying to obstruct the investigation into..what?   
According to this, the number of people the FBI employs is about 35,000.    
https://www.fbi.gov/about/faqs/how-many-people-work-for-the-fbiAnybody who 
claims that Trump "obstructed justice" based on the firing of Comey, has to 
provide a theory as to why firing one (1) employee of the FBI, even the top 
guy, somehow "obstructs" the remaining 34,999 employees from doing any 
necessary investigations.   I cannot think of even a fanciful reason this 
should be so.  I keep waiting for somebody to raise this issue, but I haven't 
seen it yet.  
I think, in the minds of people who think Trump "obstructed justice", that was 
essentially symbolic:  They knew that "their guy", Comey, would somehow protect 
the "Democrat Interests" if he had been allowed to stay in office, and by 
firing Comey, Trump "obstructed" Comey's own obstructions.   I'm astonished 
that Trump didn't fire Comey the day he got into office, but delaying Comey's 
firing doesn't make that firing OOJ.
Why Trump chose that doofus Jeff Sessions, and why Trump didn't fire Sessions 
after no more than a few weeks after Sessions recused himself, I don't know.  
By mid-2017, there should have been at least a couple dozen prosecutions of HRC 
and Obama staff, and HRC herself.   I feel sure that the Republicans would have 
done far better in the 2018 elections if his supporters hadn't been 
disappointed that Federal prosecutors appeared to be essentially ignoring the 
crimes of HRC and her staff, and Obama's staff as well.  And, conceivably, 
Obama too.  
Its hard to have any other conclusion that there was a "Mexican standoff" going 
on:  The Democrats 'knew something' about Sessions or Trump, and likewise, they 
'knew something' about the Democrats.   Thus, Trump didn't prosecute the 
Democrats, and the Democrats were kept from doing something else.  
                            Jim Bell


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