On August 9, 2019 2:01:25 AM UTC, Michael Motes <mich...@motes.camp> wrote:
>Without a race, there will be no individuals of that race, optimal
>biological partners are third and fourth cousins, see "An Association
>Between the Kinship and Fertility of Human Couples", they have the most
>healthy babies. Outbreeding is breeding without one's "race" which
>could be defined to be really 6th cousins and beyond, and it's a thing
>that can be as genetically dangerous as inbreeding which is breeding
>with siblings and 1st cousins.

Now that, Case once said in Chiba City, that is so much bullshit. 

There is no evidence for outbreeding depression in
humans. Go post this shit on blog.jim.com or the 
daily shitter forums, and take Z*n with you (if indeed
I'm not talking to Z*n, I haven't looked at the headers).

>ht hi I'mtps://science.sciencemag.org/content/319/5864/813
>I think the idea it is possible to blend all races successfully without
>simply causing mass unfitness and mass defects in anything less than
>ten thousand years is mere imperial delusions of grandeur spurred on by
>madmen's pride.
>nuntius interficere non, fortes fortuna iuvat

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