>> FBI can't access Dayton gunman's phone because it's locked
>> https://mol.im/a/7341479
>     That is a stupid propaganda lie used to both :
>     1) create a sense of false 'security' among people who want to believe
> in Salvation Through Technology.
>     2) increase surveillance and any other totalitarian measures with the
> (laughably false) excuse that 'terrists' are hiding in the 'dark web' and
> GovCorp can't find them or...read their mail (LMAO!!!)

OMG a phone, a stupid fucking phone is locked,
oh the horrors, whatever are we to do !!!

Meanwhile, the guy's brain is now locked, permanently,
and no one gives a shit.

And anyone with a brain knows the chance of there being
any ongoing associated upcoming element in this type of
crime is extremely low... that's not how these go down.
Thus the phone is irrelavant.

Basic social outreach, unstigmatising anonymous free
consultation services, anything like that, even offered online
in the darkweb... vastly less costly and more effective than...
making worse by stressing worldwide human DNA out with
all the inhuman spying and control and pointlessly worrisome
politics many Gov and Corp types have been systematically
deploying the last 30 years.

The cause isn't guns, videogames, online shit talking
for lols, or even grooming to crime... it's something else
that's apparently too embarrassing and or powerful for
people to actually look into and discuss on TV / in Govt.

Whatever that might be, and until that happens, consider
keeping the FUD in perspective...

More people died last month at or in the hands of Government,
or from Corporate profiteering, or of entirely solvable medical
causes, or from any other type of crime or category of cause...
than all the so called terror / mass murder crime events over
the last 20 years combined.

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