On Monday, November 18, 2019, 10:54:14 AM PST, Ryan Carboni <rya...@gmail.com> 
 >These are people who can't prosecute mobsters when there is a
suspicious change in title!d

>WTF kind of implausible system has been set up here?

I should add that there are some very unexplained things about Epstein's death, 
and how it occurred.  As a person who has spent more than a couple of YEARS in 
SHU (Special Housing Unit; "the hole", "solitary" (which isn't always solitary, 
BTW), I know that it is frequently true that prisoners in other cells have an 
easy view of other cell doors, and can report what they saw.  Did people show 
up and kill Epstein?   Other prisoners would know!  Perhaps prisoners were 
intentionally kept in cells that wouldn't have a view of Epstein's cell:  This 
would have been quite suspicious.  
Also, in SHU cell ranges a virtual rule is that prisoners are used as 
'orderlies':  They are released at various times to clean and do other tasks, 
and they routinely transfer stuff between cells at the request of prisoners, 
with the knowledge and tacit approval of the guards.   If they wanted to 
prevent Epstein having the opportunity to kill himself, the guards could simply 
have let a cooperative prisoner out on the range 24/7, with instructions to 
check on Epstein every 5 minutes or less.  While other prisoners are not 
necessarily 'trustworthy' for all tasks,  for the limited purpose of keeping 
Epstein alive (to ensure that he lives to testify about other pedophiles) they 
would likely do an excellent job.  
                Jim Bell


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