What to do?
First, confirm with "enough"   1995-96 users of the CP list in that there is, 
indeed, an egregious lack of emails that have a few strings:  "jim bell", 
"jimb...@pacifier.com", " ap ", and "assassination politics".  They will 
remember what the 1995 archive should have contained.   Remember, this means 
that any email:1.  From me.2.  To me.3.  Mentioning me.4.  Mentioning 
"Assassination Politics" or its merciful shortcut, " AP " 
Has been almost completely been removed.  (A tiny number of emails in November 
and December 1995 remain.) Satisfy yourself that this truly amazing 
"coincidence" cannot possibly be merely accidental.  There must have been 
intentional, malicious action.
 Compare with the amount of appearances of those strings in the 1996 archive, 
to see what a more "normal" number would have been.

Ask those 1995-96 CP users if they have any old data, perhaps on long-retired 
hard drives, floppies, writable CD's, etc.  Ask them to return to the CP list 
to discuss this problem, and to help to identify what happened, when it 
occurred, and who did it.   Ask them what their recollections are of the 
keeping of the CP messages, and those they gave them to or got them from.  
I think there are a number of people who are hoping, desperately, that we don't 
uncover the guilty party or parties.   That's because the CP list will 'win', 
enormously, if we can uncover this fraud.  And yes I will not merely get some 
credit.  But I will also win by showing that my accusations against agents of 
the Federal Government, that they have engaged in precisely the malicious 
actions I have long claimed of them, are correct.  And we will also identify 
those people who have acted in league with the Feds, people who have long 
pretended to have done otherwise.  
Faking 'evidence' is in the news.  Hitlery Clinton made 33,000 emails 
'disappear', many of which mysteriously reappeared on Anthony Weiner's laptop 
computer.    That Kevin Clinesmith, former FBI attorney, was forced out when it 
was discovered that he had forged an email by adding more assertions than it 
originally claimed, such a forgery being used to apply for the Carter Page FISA 
warrant in 2016.    
   He faces prosecution.

               Jim Bell

    On Friday, November 22, 2019, 08:12:25 PM PST, Cari Machet 
<carimac...@gmail.com> wrote:  
 Ok what can be done about this? 
On Fri, 22 Nov 2019 at 15:35, jim bell <jdb10...@yahoo.com> wrote:

 To Ryan Carboni,It looks like you are familiar with the practice of writing 
and filing Freedom of Information Act requests.  Ryan Carboni (ryaz)

|  | 
Ryan Carboni (ryaz)

Ryan Carboni has filed 18 public records requests on MuckRock.



Given that these requests can take a long time, I think it would be appropriate 
to make such a filing for any Cyperpunks mailing list emails, especially but 
not limited to those from 1995-1996.   Naturally, we will want the output on a 
computer readable format, such as writable CD, writable DVD, or some other 
downloadable file system.
  We will probably want to compare these emails from those that will be 
obtained by other sources.   What do you think?   Would you help this process?  
Can you write the FOIA request?   Thank you.  
              Jim Belle              

|      |   cari machet about.me/carimachet   |


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