> As far as I can see, this is a clear violation of the Second Amendment.  I
> believe that a proper definition of "arms" is "objects used as weapons".
> While the description of subdivision "c" is not included here, a "boobytrap
> device" certainly would qualify as an "arm":  It is used as a weapon.  The
> principle of the 2008 Heller decision and 2010 McDonald v. Chicago decision
> is that restrictions that didn't exist when the 2nd Amendment was ratified
> (1791) are literally "infringements".

The OP lacks links and their section nums are old.
Text search all sections here for "boobytrap"...




These sorts of objects laws seem bogus, otherwise
they would ban hammers, rocks, sticks, cars, fists,
tuna salad, and nukes, from everyone, including themselves.

Whether fist or nuke, someone either rightly self-defended,
or wrongly aggressed causing some range from injury to
death, or they didn't, end of story, no.

Then the often fun question of whether you can use your
booby objects while away, to defend against theft of your other
kitchen objects by a thug who wants to use them against
someone else, or even just to sell or covet them. Instead of
say needing to man your place with your fists 24x7 (which
in places just as crazy as CA [1] you probably can't do to
protect your stuff either).

[1] aka Razer's commie commune, jk :)

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