coderman wrote:
> ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
> On Friday, December 27, 2019 1:22 AM, Razer <> wrote:
> ...
>> I stuck with that COCO3 until the early 90s. I refused to use XT 8088s
>> or MS-Dos because they simply couldn't multitask. I put jNos on one,
>> text-file driven tcpip with tools, for ham radio, then put a bunk IP at
>> the end of the nameserver list and pointed the connection that way. It
>> was a ham radio tcp/ip node list. MAYBE a few hundred kilobytes. A
>> half-hour later the XT was STILL chugging it'a way through the
>> nameserver list, and I pulled the plug.
> should have pressed the TURBO button!  ;)
> best regards,
> (kudos to anyone who gets it -^ ...)

Yeah but it wasn't a turbo model. It also had an ST-225 Seagate disk
drive with 'stiction' problems. Had to slap it like an old tube tv set
to get it to spin up before the beast errored out.

I ran the coherent on an NCR 386 'tablet' that appeared to have been
made for route salesman use that a German ham living in the area gave me
(I was using an insurance company terminal on Packet radio and it was an
'upgrade'). It came with compiled-on-the-machine Linux, pre-X and I was
having fun porting my OS9 knowledge to that OS when I accidentally
munched the OS, so I found the Coherent OS disks laying around and had
fun with it for a while. XP until it ran out. Then back to Linux/Debian.
Currently Debian 8 on an old toshiba 32 bit laptop. Need to upgrade to
64bit one of these days if only because any attempt to update the
system, with all sorts of files missing from the repositories, tries to
destroy the OS. I still think the thing about 64 bit being more secure
than 32 is a lie albeit it IS much faster.


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