The world's greatest illusions:

  Media's Deafening Silence On The Biggest Scandal
  Of 2019 Is Chilling

    “With respect to the consistency of the observed and reported
    symptoms of the alleged victims with possible exposure to
    chlorine gas or similar, the experts were conclusive in their
    statements that there was no correlation between symptoms and
    chlorine exposure,” the document reads.

    According to the leaked minutes from the toxicology meeting, the
    chief expert offered “the possibility of the event being a
    propaganda exercise” as one potential explanation for the Douma
    incident. The other OPCW experts agreed that the key “take-away
    message” from the meeting was “that the symptoms observed were
    inconsistent with exposure to chlorine and no other obvious
    candidate chemical causing the symptoms could be identified”.

    Like all the other many, many, many, many different leaks which
    have been hemorrhaging from the OPCW about the Douma incident,
    none of the important information contained in these publications
    was included in any of the OPCW’s public reports on the matter.
    According to the OPCW’s Final Report published in March 2019, the
    investigative team found “reasonable grounds that the use of a
    toxic chemical as a weapon took place. This toxic chemical
    contained reactive chlorine. The toxic chemical was likely
    molecular chlorine.”

... except of course that greatest of all hollowhoaxes :D

On Fri, Apr 07, 2017 at 10:15:34AM -0700, Razer wrote:
> On 04/07/2017 09:21 AM, grarpamp wrote:
> > On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 11:37 AM, Razer <> wrote:
> >> It gets 'better' ... The New York Times reporter writing the hit piece
> >> blaming the Syrian govt for the chemical weapons attack that never
> >> happened also 'co-wrote the Iraq aluminum tube story in 2002':
> >>
> >>
> > On never happening...
> >
> >
> >
> > "Allow me to break it down a bit, and prove to you that this is a
> > massive false flag for multiple reasons
> > First, our narrative
> > "Gas Attack" happens 45 minutes after the Susan Rice story makes FOX news
> > First outlets to run the story: WSJ, NYT, MSNBC, and CNN.
> > Plaster pictures of dead kids all over their outlets.
> > Completely ignoring and derailing the biggest scandal in modern US
> > political history.
> > "
> >
> >
> > ps: Stockholm authorities busy inciting nationwide fear right now too...
> >
> >
> > US Trump/Repubs killing net neutrality so problematic live feeds from
> > indie street journos can get region killed because oh muh tier-1
> > bandwidths are aching.
> The US even ignored it's own 'Rebels" eyewitness account. They claimed
> it was an SU-22 that hit the building containing the CWD. That aircraft
> isn't normally capable of carrying CWDs and I SERIOUSLY DOUBT the
> Russians would give the SAF the proper mounts to do so, even if
> available. I'm also VERY SKEPTICAL that the CW agent was Sarin. There's
> loads of pics of USAID's "White Helmets" handing the victims without
> even gloves on yet no reports of sick or dead 'helmets', and initial
> reports coming out of Idlib passed on by regional twitter accounts at
> the time claimed it was probably Chlorine.
> Nevertheless, this was NOT a "Chemical Attack", it was a "Chemical
> Release" from a building under control of the so-called 'rebels' who
> were apparently manufacturing CWDs in the vicinity of civilian
> populations and the US is using it as a post-facto excuse, by distorting
> the facts, for their weeks-old boots-on-Syrian-soil-illegally invasion
> of the country.
> All the creeps are cheering:
> Raytheon's stocks rose 2.1% pre-trading day even though many of the
> missiles failed.
> Rr

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