I'm not sure what a degree in political science is, but it sounds
better (in this day of inspiring public political debate) than a
degree in liberal arts.

Emma even posts a cheery picture of herself on graduation day, and
clearly articulates a few non-snowflakey facts.

  I've Had Professors Who Educate, And Ones Who Indoctrinate. Here's
  What I Learned From Both...

    The professors who tried to silence me taught me the importance
    of standing up for myself and for those who are voiceless in the
    face of unreason and unkindness. The professors who challenged my
    beliefs and encouraged me to work on articulating them in order
    to build a stronger argument gave me the tools I need to succeed
    in the decades to come.

    Like me, conservative students who have fought bias throughout
    their education can step into the real world having already faced
    adversity by surviving a campus where about 80 percent of your
    peers and nearly 100 percent of your professors disagree with
    your political views.

    While it is disappointing and disheartening that the once-great
    university system in America is so blatantly biased, and
    discourages differing viewpoints of students, there is hope in
    the strong level-headed and determined conservative students who
    are being shaped by this academic hazing into the future
    conservative leaders of America.

Under the powers that be, whitey is kept fighting whitey.

With the Western neo Roman empire collapsing under it's fiat debt
enslavement reaching "chaos fruition", war is a primary "out" for
whitey against whitey in the great game of competition.

Fortunately for the world, over the last 20 years modern Russia under
Putin has, on a relative shoestring budget, resoundingly eclipsed the
entire West (primarily USA and NATO), with (according to US brass)
"eye watering" capabilities today, from mach 27 (holy shirt batman!)
nuke tipped ICBMS, to mach 10, Mig 31 mounted (and also optionally
nuke tipped) Kinzhals, the "mega tsunami" sub launched nukes, and
plenty more besides, the Russian bear has a relative abundance of

    Martyanov could not escape addressing the RAND Corporation, whose
    reason to exist is to relentlessly push for more money for the
    Pentagon – blaming Russia for “hybrid war” (an American
    invention)  even as it moans about the U.S.’s incapacity of
    defeating Russia in each and every war game. RAND’s war games
    pitting the U.S. and allies against Russia and China invariably
    ended in a “catastrophe” for the “finest fighting force in the

The bear's claws are a very, very good thing.  This little ole world
we share, owes a collective debt of gratitude to Putin and our slavic
Russkie bros.

The forever bracketted legacy stream media, Federal reserve bank and
corporate oligarchs, would be signing a multi century, perhaps multi
millenia, death warrant for the planet, were they to launch World War
3 - and all just because of a few (hundreds of trillions of) fiats
which have devalued!

In the face of the agreement-incapable dying West, the flailing
dragon of silliness called "fiat debt", and the historically
evidenced nature of humans (WWI and WWII most recently), Russia is
absolutely establishing an international stability which would be
impossible without her:

  Russia’s Top General Warns World War 3 Is Coming in Chilling

and is right to ongoingly prepare herself:

  Russia's 'Youth Army' Grows Rapidly, Approaches 600K Children

    It is not the first time that the local school is engaged in
    Yunarmiya activities. In April this year, the school hosted a
    show organized by the military movement that included assembly
    and dissembling of automatic rifles, sport activities and
    historical lectures on state history.

    Officially, the age limit for enrollment in the movement is
    11-17. However, also far younger children are involved in
    movement activities.

Why train your children to handle rifles at 11, when you can start
them much younger?

Whitey is kept fighting whitey.

One begins imagining rollercoasters of death, bars of soap,
lampshades and "masturbation to death" machines...

Rather than depression, let's create joyous moments:


or drink Lambrini and get fingered, Greta Thunberg style:


In any case, have a laugh:


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