"The Micro Surveillance and Micromanagement of the New College Student"
by Gerry Bello

On 2020-01-28 23:14, jim bell wrote:
> https://www.marketwatch.com/story/are-universities-morphing-into-orwellian-states-2020-01-27
> [partial quote follows]
> "Americans are experimenting with methods similar to China’s social credit 
> system. By tracking student movements and regulating faculty to standards of 
> political correctness, they risk socializing young people to the methods of 
> high-tech authoritarian state control.
> Syracuse University, the University of North Carolina and others are 
> installing wi-fi apps and Bluetooth devices to monitor class attendance and 
> visits to libraries, recreation centers, dining halls and potentially every 
> other campus location. These create profiles that faculty and administrators 
> can use to reward good learning habits, flag mental health issues, and impel 
> students to modify personal habits to norms of model student behavior."
> [end of partial quote]

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