On 2/12/20 10:01 AM, John Newman wrote:
> On Wed, 2020-02-12 at 17:39 +0000, Ryan Carboni wrote:
>> Art dealer
>> Drug-dealer
>> Orgy resort host
>> Philanthropist
>> Air taxi service
>> Some of these people are stupid enough to agree to calling cocaine
>> cheese pizza as a code name.
>> In a proper revolution these people would all be squeezed out for
>> their incompetence (in a totalitarian revolution, random people would
>> be taken off the street to fill their jobs).  It is unlikely that
>> would ever happen, but the argument that you know what kind of
>> criminal someone is by hanging around them from time to time is a bit
>> incredible.
>> It is still a bit funny that none of these people are capable of
>> handling their own affairs to the extent that they can't rent out
>> mansions to host their own parties using their own staff, or even
>> talk
>> to the help to see if they are treated fairly, or even legalize
>> cocaine in a small portion of their own cities.
>> I do not think if New York was vaporized anyone would notice or mind.
>> To prove it, I don't think anyone will react to the previous sentence
>> by moving a single inch.
> Carboni - either get on some fucking meds, or please let me know - what
> meds are you currently taking?? So I can avoid them (or at least abuse
> them only in moderation).

I'd really miss the museums.


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