On Sun, Jan 05, 2020 at 02:28:09PM +1100, Zig the N.g wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 02, 2020 at 08:30:30AM -0800, Razer wrote:
> > > "Zigger the N.gger"  <zigger...@yandex.com
> > > <mailto:zigger...@yandex.com>>  is "Zenaan Harkness".
> > 
> > New filter for the new year. Mail from that account spamcanned on
> > arrival and all posts mentioning that persona get deleted.
> > 
> > "Rooty" is next.
> > 
> > Rr
> Oh no!  My, I mean Zigger's, trigger plot foiled again!  So sad.
> Here, have a Russian trollski to lift you sorry arse up:
>   Razer j.gger and tr.gger n.pper from Braziquador fight it out,
>   Russian style:
> https://sputniknews.com/videoclub/202001041077944668-small-but-daring-little-kittens-engage-in-fighting-/
>   The Zig, waking up to Razer's virtual loving affection:
> https://sputniknews.com/videoclub/202001031077935978-sleepyhead-slumbersome-otter-enjoys-post-party-affection-/
>   Gabbard actually agrees with The Z.gger on Iran:
> https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/202001041077944899-gabbard-blasts-trump-over-soleimani-killing-demands-immediate-pullout-of-us-troops-from-iraq-syria/
>   The real reason Trump finally got on this latest evil war path:
> https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/202001041077946135-video-of-soleimani-taunting-trump-over-idiotic-tweets-comparing-him-to-bartender-surfaces-online/
>   Weight Watchers really putting their weight being World War 3:
> https://sputniknews.com/viral/202001041077944814-thisismyww-weight-watchers-ad-leaves-twitter-in-stitches-as-world-war-iii-trending-online/
>     https://t.co/TMq36jwAal
>     https://t.co/pAp0WMJQJl
>   Netanyahu "defending" America's murder of Iran's Soleimani:
> https://sputniknews.com/middleeast/202001031077929194-netanyahu-says-israel-stands-alongside-us-in-its-just-struggle/
> https://sputniknews.com/analysis/202001031077928904-israel-welcomes-the-assassination-of-soleimani-and-ready-for-repercussions/
>   and Netanyahu getting chummy with Pompeo couple days before the hit:
> https://sputniknews.com/world/202001021077919238-pompeo-thanks-netanyahu-for-unwavering-commitment-to-counter-iran-amid-baghdad-embassy-attack/
> -- 
> You have reached the orifices of Zigger the Trigger N.gger.
> Lefty n.gger trigger warning: if you keep listening, you may be triggered.
> Prease pless 1, for ridicurous racis speling error tropes.
> Press 2, to plonk The N.gger from yo Inbox.
> Press 3, to see moar Google n.ggers at auto droned M.E. weddings.
> Press 4, for <very sinister music> Russians.
> Press 5, for snowflakes being melted by Milo the friendly G.yN.gger.
> Press 6, for Razer's politically correct banhammer.
> Press 7, for Sean K Quinn's moderation censorship.
> Press 8, to insist on your name being slightly misspelt.
> Press 9, 

Remember, muh fl.pper n.pper tr.pper tr.gger n.ggers, do -not- search yandex 
images for "sexy vixen vinyl" - instead keep a stiff showing and rigid 
dedication to yer upstanding but hard 7 day challenges, with firm resolve 
whilst facing tight stables of upthrusting results.


On a more serious note, Islamic refugees in Greek "refugee" camps are suffering 
significant gender bias - true story:

  #SinkTheBoats: Greek Coastguard Recorded Trolling and Trying to Sink a 
Migrant Raft!

      My new report on Greece for @RefugeesIntl highlights the situation for 
asylum seekers on the islands. While it is terrible for everyone, women and 
girls not only live like others in sub-standard conditions, but also face 
significant risks of sexual and gender-based violence. https://t.co/lInMqnrAET
        — Devon Cone (@devoncone) March 1, 2020

    Let’s just take a minute to reflect on how completely insane this situation 
      - The war in Syria is basically over
      - These people have been living in Turkey for years
      - They are being released by Erdogan as a weapon against Europe, revenge 
for refusal of whites to help him in his war against Syria as he attempts to 
steal part of their country

    There is no way to possibly frame this as anything other than basic fraud. 
They are claiming to be “refugees,” but are not fleeing a war, and in fact are 
being used as a weapon to harm Europe.

    Mama Merkel is not going to be able to pull out her 2015 explanation again, 
and claim that these are all poor innocent babies who will die if they don’t 
live on welfare in Europe. I actually hope she tries it.

    At this point, I hope this whole thing escalates again, and these people 
just flood in.

    Probably, they won’t come in the same numbers. Because a big part of why so 
many came in 2015 is that Merkel said she wanted them to come because they 
would pay the pensions of old Germans by working in the high tech sector. I 
read many interviews with Africans and others that were making the trip, and 
the reason they gave was that Merkel invited them.

    Of course, it ended up that a majority of them were illiterate, even in 
Arabic, Urdu or Pashtun. Bound for the high tech sector they were not.

    They don’t talk about it much, but instead of paying pensions, the migrants 
cost Germans hundreds of billions of euros.

    The base programs between 2018 and 2021 were projected to cost nearly 80 
billion, according to official numbers, which are a hoax (they remove all kinds 
of different costs).


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