On 3/6/20, William Pate <willp...@pm.me> wrote:
> This constantly trips me up. In my modem settings, I'm offered these options
> for port forwarding. I know I need to open 9001, but what do I enter into
> the external port fields?
> https://lists.torproject.org/pipermail/tor-relays/attachments/20200306/19f4c69d/attachment.png

Tor advertises its ORPort to tor network via descriptor
mechanism, the port is in the log output. For default tor
config and simple forwarding firewall, enter the same port,
typically 9001.

Sorry you had to potentially sit idle on your project for almost
three days waiting for it to even post to begin get any reply
from others. The Tor Project censors running these lists...
in part to placate snowbunnies and warriors, to manage image,
to demur from some differing pov's and even some facts, to avoid
journalist and open critique, etc... seem maybe have some issue
with say letting people freely read and information freely timely flow.

For example...

Were your post to have been noting an attack or security exploit
involving tor relays, a whole lot of tor users around the world
could have got hurt in the intervening time below. That's really bad.
And is the result of such needless "moderation" program Tor Project
over everyone, instead of say only over the very rare incorrigible
verbally abusive asshole repeatedly going directly into other people.
Whereas a few spams now and then, other normal and typical fare,
some fire, noise, convo, good args, parts above, etc all lists have from
time to time, no big deal, silly to censor them. Tor has big budget to fund
that program to click post approve 24x7, they did not even implement that.
So relays might need consider non-tpo-list comms to be timely safe.

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Received: from protonmail by torproject for tor-relays Fri 6 Mar 2020
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Date: Fri, 06 Mar 2020 16:25:08 +0000
Subject: [tor-relays] Port Forwarding Question
From: William Pate <willp...@pm.me>

Have fun with your tor project :)

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