Yes, everything can be considered propaganda.  You are faced with the world you 
live in, not necessarily the world you want.  How you handle yourself, in face 
of this reality, is up to you.

Create your world,

   Pompeo Calls on Americans Abroad to ‘Return Immediately’
   Warns commercial air travel could cease
      Americans wishing to return to the United States from abroad should do so 
immediately or risk a period of uncertainty due to restricted air travel, 
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says.
      Pompeo asserted commercial flights could soon be unavailable in many 
parts of the world and urged all Americans currently overseas to weigh their 
options and return “immediately” if they so desire.

   Secretary of State Mike Pompeo orders Americans to return home 'immediately' 
due to COVID-19 saying he cannot guarantee charter flights once commercial 
planes cease to operate

   Three unmistakable signs that WAR is coming to America: Pompeo orders all 
American citizens to “immediately” return to the USA

      Sign #1) President Trump activating one million military reservists with 
medical skills to treat battlefield injuries. Details of this order are found 
in the EO text at

      Sign #2) The Pentagon ordering high-level staffers into deep underground 
bunkers in Colorado. This was announced by NORAD and NORTHCOM in a Facebook 
town hall meeting. Obviously, you don’t order military staffers into a 
2,000-foot deep bunker just because of a virus.

      Sign #3) Secretary of State Pompeo just ordered all Americans living 
overseas to return to the US “immediately.” The cover story for this is that 
the coronavirus is collapsing international flights. But that alone would not 
justify all Americans returning from living overseas, since many Americans 
would just hunker down where they’re living. But Pompeo wants all Americans to 
return immediately, which is the kind of thing you do before a war breaks out 
(with China, most likely).

      .. These three events are unmistakable signs that high-level officials 
within the Pentagon and US State Department anticipate actions of war in the 
very near future.

      .. Prepare for all the following, just in case one or more happen:
        - A loss of the power grid
        - A blackout of all internet and phone communications
        - Foreign troops invading the US, including through the Mexico border
        - Attempted assassination of President Trump, or a possible “civil war” 
inside the Pentagon
        - The possibility of mass arrests of deep state traitors who are 
Chinese collaborators, such as Sen. Feinstein, Gov. Newsom, etc.

      We cannot be certain that any of these will happen, and we hope none of 
them do. But there are giant red flashing warning signs just screaming out that 
something big is about to go down. The only two scenarios that make sense are a 
WAR with a foreign enemy or possibly the initiation of a domestic civil war (or 
perhaps both).

      .. Stay informed and stay alive.

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