Here's that extra $4 trillion for ya :)

  Gold Soars Along With Everything Else As Fed Ends Capital Markets As We Know 
      .. Simple! - The Fed injected $440BN in last week, total is now $6.3 

On Fri, Apr 10, 2020 at 11:05:33AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 26, 2020 at 08:18:48PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> > And some of us thought this QE5 would "be lucky to last 6 months."
> > 
> > Welp, how's 1 (as in, ONE) week grab ya?
> > 
> > Wow.
> > 
> > $1.2 trillion in past two weeks, $2 trillion "stimulus/ COVID rescue" bill, 
> > and infinity $$ printing going forward.
> > 
> > Global martial law in two weeks is now looking possibly optimistic, as in, 
> > we might be in for escalation by next week even... possibly, but quite 
> > possibly probably it seems.
> > 
> > This is end game (reset time), folks, we're talking may be a few weeks.  If 
> > you failed to hedge any real wealth with some physical gold purchases, 
> > you're most likely S.O.L. right about now...
> > 
> > So grab any physical asset you can.  Does not matter that real estate 
> > prices may collapse 10 fold in the coming couple of months, a debt free R/E 
> > title is a hell of a lot more physical that some numbers in "your" bank's 
> > computers.  "Bail in" and all...
> > 
> > Good luck with any substantial asset purchase in this climate -> at this 
> > point, it's safe to say, if you haven't done what you "always knew" you 
> > should do, you are well behind the 8 ball, and probably too late.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> >   Fed Buys $587 Billion In Bonds In Past Week, 2.7% Of GDP, Just As Foreign 
> > Central Banks Start To Liquidate
> >   
> >
> And just like that, $400 billion, became a trillion, became $2.3 trillion, 
> became $6.3 trillion!
> Another 2 weeks, another doubling - this time to (of course) $4 trillion 
> moar.  And in another short time period it shall be $8 trillion, and 
> Goldman's estimate of the Fed's "$10 trillion financialization asset book by 
> the end of this [2020] year" goes up in a puff on conservative "shit, it's 
> bigger ain't it?" smoke.
> What's $4 trillion between a government and its interest payments anyway?
> What the bankers don't seem to understand, and really ought to understand, is 
> that an insanely wealthy top of the pyramid, to be sustainable over time (the 
> whole point of the banking exercise), requires a strong base to the 
> pyramid/hierarchy - we lowly folks (your extremely highly opinionated 
> scribeler included of course) need dollars.
> Why do we need dollars you ask?
> Because we don't have many, of course.  And no, that's NOT meant to be funny, 
> stop chuckling already :)
> And what good is it to bankers, for lowly plebes like "we truly" to have 
> abundant dollars?
> Because I/we spend those dollars of course - on a home, perhaps a vehicle, a 
> tractor for those who would like to grow potatoes, a new laptop to replace my 
> ageing 10 yr old clunker, a cool "libre laptop" assembling business, etc, 
> etc, etc.
> But again, I hear you ask, why is this useful to wealthy bankers?
> Because (since yes, I know it's hard to understand simple things), that money 
> which we deplorables spend, is being spent ultimately into bank accounts, on 
> interest, on credit card repayments, on rent, and on crazy real estate prices 
> -- thus propping up all your stupid banker financialization.
> Oh how one who would hope to find God doth cringe at pointing out the obvious 
> and necessary steps required by greedy people to prop up their stupid greed!
> Did I mention greed is stupid?  Because, cringe!
>     And just like that, with a snap o tha fingers, he justifies UBI.
> I didn't want to justify UBI - really, truly!  Bin holding out on that one 
> for a couple years now - ever since some serious thought was put to the 
> matter and the self evident so rudely encroached upon that lonely neurone.
> This is actually a sad day for humans, since UBI shall likely template the 
> majority into being satisfied with their golden cages in this world - "peace 
> begets slothfulness" and all...
> One can justify this with a "you get what you firetrucking deserve" or a 
> "well it has been this way since time immemorial - only the few ever sought 
> their maker within anyway" etc.
> Cest la vie.

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