On Thu, Apr 23, 2020 at 05:07:24AM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
> https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/k7emww/a-chinese-citizen-journalist-who-filmed-his-own-arrest-in-wuhan-just-reappeared-online
> https://www.smh.com.au/politics/federal/this-student-attended-a-protest-at-an-australian-uni-days-later-chinese-officials-visited-his-family-20190807-p52eqb.html
> https://youtube.com/watch?v=PUEj2HIlHI8
> https://youtube.com/watch?v=PA0hHGw-RIc
> Coming soon to your country.
> Meanwhile, Governments around the world fuck up their covid responses,
> as with everything else they touch.

This Wuhan flu is not quite just the flu, and could see upwards of a million 
Americans dead by the time its done the rounds of the USA population.

It's also not "instant zombie apocalypse."  Sometimes, reality lies inbetween 
the extremes.

Stay safe. Stay healthy.

Even some numbers in this one:

    The Facts That Prove Almost Everyone Is Wrong About This Pandemic

        .. I keep hearing people say that this virus “is just like the flu”, 
and that is absolutely absurd.  As Mike Adams of Natural News has pointed out, 
COVID-19 has killed more Americans in the last 17 days than the flu did in the 
last year…

            In the last 17 days, the Wuhan coronavirus has killed more 
Americans (35,087) than the regular flu kills in an entire year (34,157 for the 
last year). It obliterates any last shred of the argument — still heard across 
the independent media — that the coronavirus is “no worse than the flu.”

            The coronavirus remains the No. 1 cause of death in America on a 
day-to-day basis, clocking in at 2,804 deaths just today. Total deaths in the 
USA will exceed 46,000 tomorrow, confirming our earlier projection that 
estimated 46,000 to 93,000 deaths from coronavirus in the USA by the end of 
July. It’s not even the end of April, and we’re already beyond 45,000. (At the 
time we made the projection, it was dismissed as “crazy” by the very same 
people who still claim the coronavirus is “no worse than the flu.” Those are 
the people who can’t do math.)

        And actually the number of Americans dying from the coronavirus is 
being seriously undercounted.

        In New York City, if someone dies at home they are typically not tested 
to see if they have the coronavirus.  So even though the number of city 
residents dying at home is now nearly ten times higher than normal, the vast 
majority of those cases are never showing up in the official numbers.

        .. “Experts” such as Bill Gates are suggesting that the lockdowns are 
“buying us time” until our scientists can develop a “vaccine”, but the truth is 
that is really not much more than a pipe dream.

        As I pointed out yesterday, there has never been a successful vaccine 
for any coronavirus in all of human history, and now that scientists have 
discovered approximately 30 different strains of the virus that will just make 
the task of trying to develop a vaccine even more complicated.


[Wow! Theat last sentence, man!]
[Wow! Theat last sentence, man!]

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