On Tue, May 19, 2020 at 04:28:58PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On Mon, May 18, 2020 at 03:54:41PM -0300, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> >     what a worthless
> Let's try using smaller words for ya: China stuffed up, they gonna be called 
> to account for this.

Hey hey not only the EU, most of Africa and SE Asia, but also Russia, India and 
more are backing Australia's call for this China Virus investigation!

ScoMo (Australia's Prime Minister, Scott Morrison) finally has something to 
feel good about - leading the charge on the Wuhan Kung Flu virus investigation, 
backed up by most of the world - no longer can ScoMo be called gutless :D

I'll give ScoMo a dollar for dignity, but he still don't deserve to be 
re-elected.  If he gets steel ball replacement surgery and continues to man up, 
perhaps there's hope for him yet...

Alright alright, he was pretty gutless to keep the floodgates open in February 
to Chinese students (35,000 of them came in!) in the face of the 
COVIDstavaganza, but hey, he's beginning to redeem hiss.elf.

   "We Are With Them!" - Trump Celebrates As More Than 100 States Back COVID 
China Probe

      .. The African Union's 54 member states will co-sponsor the Australian 
motion, joining 62 other countries including Russia, Indonesia, India, Japan, 
Britain, the US and Canada, along with all of the European Union's 27 members 
as well as Brazil, South Korea, Mexico, Turkey and New Zealand. ...

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