An interesting and apparently systemic change is underway in the USA, with a 
surprisingly positive effect of the Some Kind O' Crazy™©® going on around us 

      "I have seen the emergence of a new class of students seeking training: 
anti-Second Amendment liberals," he said.

   Illinois Gun Permit Applications Soar 500% As Frightened Liberals Embrace 
2nd Amendment

      ..Over 40,000 Illinois residents applied for a gun permit over a two-week 
period this month, a jump of more than 500% over this time last year according 
to Illinois State Police.

      "Take a full glass of coronavirus, shake in a shot of riots and another 
of this defund police notion, and everything goes crazy," gun shop owner Mark 
Glavin told the Chicago Tribune. "Not to mention the backlog on background 

      The state's mandatory 72-hour background check has stretched to more than 
a week for some of Glavin's customers, putting Illinois residents in the same 
boat as Californians - who have a 10-day wait before they can take possession 
of recently bought firearms.

      ..Des Plaines gun store and range owner Dan Eldridge says that half of 
the customers scrambling to arm up are first-time buyers.

      "The numbers I saw from the National Shooting Sports Foundation … said 
40% of respondents to (store) surveys were new, first-time buyers. And of 
those, 40% are female — 40% of the 40%," said Eldridge. "We’re tracking 150% of 
a typical May in firearms sales ... and that’s with being open by appointment 

      Eldridge also noted that sales of defensive ammunition, such as 
hollow-point bullets, were 10x as high.

      ..Liberals embracing the 2nd Amendment

            A 38-year-old man from Dixon — who didn’t want his name used, 
citing employment reasons — described himself as “a very liberal Democrat” who 
for decades has been “for most forms of gun control politically.” But since 
March, he’s been waiting for his first gun permit to arrive so he can keep his 
family safe, he said.

            “My views have recently changed, and I have accepted that the 
Second Amendment provides for the personal ownership and use of a firearm,” he 
said in an email. “The recent social unrest of a divisive president, the 
pandemic and dramatic rise in unemployment, and the more recent social unrest 
because of the way we police in this country have all been reasons that have 
prompted my recent application.” -Chicago Tribune

      ..Concealed Carry gun instructor and owner of Safer USA, David Lombardo, 
says he's had several callers recently who have disclosed their political 
beliefs while asking him for private one-on-one training because "they don't 
want anyone to know they're doing the training, let alone going to buy a 

      "I have seen the emergence of a new class of students seeking training: 
anti-Second Amendment liberals," he said.


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