[partial quote follows]
"As the political and legal battles of the first ‘crypto-war’ were heating up 
in the1990’s, the technologist and activist Timothy C. May (1992) authored the 
CryptoAnarchist Manifesto. The manifesto proclaims cryptographic software “will 
altercompletely the nature of government regulation, the ability to tax and 
controleconomic interactions, the ability to keep information secret, and will 
even alter thenature of trust and reputation” while also recognising the 
potential that “crypto anarchywill allow national secrets to be trade freely 
and will allow illicit and stolen materialsto be traded… an anonymous 
computerized market will even make possible abhorrentmarkets for assassinations 
and extortion” (May, 1992, paras. 1, 3). Similarly,prominent crypto-anarchist 
Jim Bell (1996) published the tenth (and final) volume of 78his essay 
Assassination Politics in 1996, where he argued for an online 
assassinationmarket as a tool of social control in service of the comparatively 
powerless. The ideawas that citizens could use cryptography to mask their 
identities to place ‘bets’ on thetime of death of public officials and business 
leaders. The logic is that everyone whois willing to contribute to a bounty 
will place a ‘bet’ on the time of death, while the‘winner’ would be the person 
who conducts the assassination via their foreknowledgeof the time of death. The 
proposal attests to how the politics of privacy protection wereparticularly 
controversial during the 1990s.  
It is for this reason that the ‘crypto-war’ was so fiercely fought on both 
sides,prompted by the initial release of public key encryption to members of 
the public.Following the Second World War, cryptographic software was legally 
classified as amunition and subject to strict regulation and export controls 
(Levin, 1998, p. 532). Bythe early 1990s, the NSA was attempting to install a 
‘Clipper Chip’ within telephones,to provide the US Government with ‘backdoor’ 
access to encrypted communications(Froomkin, 1995, p. 745). As a result of the 
proposal, technologist Philip Zimmermanpublished public-key encryption tool 
Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) via file-sharingservices in June of 1991. 
Characteristic of crypto-anarchists of the time, Zimmerman(1994) published 
PGP’s code in a physical book titled PGP Source Code and Internals,so the 
technology could be discretely distributed. As Zimmerman (1994, para. 
3)observes in the foreword of the book, “cryptography is a surprisingly 
politicaltechnology.” By publishing the code, Zimmerman became the subject of 
aninvestigation by the US Customs Service examining whether he had violated the 
USArms Export Control Act (1976), although the case was dropped in 1996 
withoutexplanation (Lauzon, 1998, p. 1327). The release of public-key 
encryption technologythus empowered ordinary users to protect their privacy. 
79The popularity and development of such privacy-enhancing technologies 
hasincreased significantly since the ‘crypto-war’ of the 1990s. Tracking the 
trends in theirdevelopment during the decade from 1997, Goldberg (2007, p. 11) 
observes how thethen-recently developed Tor Browser was exponentially growing 
in popularity.Similarly, in response to growing awareness about mass 
surveillance, the CryptoPartymovement was established in 2011 to educate the 
public about cryptographic software.The decentralized movement promotes “crypto 
parties” where experts educate citizensabout encryption and digital anonymity. 
In this vein, they are a type of informationsecurity workshop (e.g. Albrechtsen 
& Hovden, 2010). Data provided by the TorProject (2018) highlights how the 
number of publicly52 connecting users increased sixfold after the Snowden 
Disclosures in June 2013. Subsequent studies suggest some ofthis increase was 
attributable to a Ukrainian botnet connecting to the network (Gehl,2016, p. 
1223), however there has been a sustained two-fold increase (amounting to 
atleast two million daily users) on the network (Tor Project, 2018). Evidently, 
suchprivacy-enhancing technologies are becoming increasingly popular. 

[end of partial quote]

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