The very idea of cache is unsecure by nature... it's almost always functionally 
unnecessary unless we're talking of things like memoization etc...  but since 
you mention  a "media" app, I guess that's a cache for pictures, videos etc...

Good point is: if a media app wants to really focus on security should it use a 
caching system ?


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‐‐‐‐‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐‐‐‐‐
On Sunday, 5 July 2020 г., 17:38, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:

> In app media cache ought be in a crypt by default. Has anyone done this 
> before and can give hints?
> Platforms: initially android, but should be compilable for others including 
> Linux
> Object types: avatars, tweets, associated media including images and even 
> vids - whatever is in a standard social media 'stream'.
> Obviously cache needs to be parameterizable as to size, eviction policy, but 
> it's not going to be unencrypted.
> Come to think of it, FreeNet's code might be good, at the very least as a 
> tutorial - but experience is always valuable, so if you have some experience 
> you can share, please do.
> To simplify eviction, objects should be separate files, compressed prior to 
> saving, with one or more indices (also encrypted) for the application to do 
> it's thing efficiently, including store, lookup, read and re-enrypt when an 
> object is to be on-forwarded.
> Content addressed in some way of course - git has lead the way on this 
> principle - we just must make sure that if the user does not give up his 
> password, anything lying around must meet some minimum "hiddenness" standard.
> Possible libs:
> Tuweni
> =======
> Ancient Nacl-Java
> ==================
> looks like a one man band, not updated for 5yrs
> ================================================
> Libsodium
> ==========
> "complete security audit"
> ==========================
> Seems to be used by Tuweni
> ===========================
> Docs:
> Java Cryptography Architecture (JCA) Reference Guide
> =====================================================
> Tutorials:
> simple block encryption
> ========================
> Java - Asymmetric Cryptography example -
> ====================================================
> Encrypting and Decrypting Files in Java | Baeldung
> How to easily encrypt and decrypt text in Java
> Encrypt and Decrypt file/stream in Java

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