I doubt that someone in a country - X - will be able to access Starlink without 
the usual 'KYC" procedures...
Will there be a single place of registration - online ? I doubt it. I think 
Starlink will have no right to provide access to citizens of country X unless 
going via registered/accredited national operator Y from country X, which will 
apply any existing restrictive policy from country X.

Starlink will never allow a "wild" access to internet by satellite to anyone in 
the world.

Starlink is brought to you by the same guy that brought the wonderful PayPal - 
the 'family' oriented electronic wallet.
Does PayPal allow "wild" international money transfers? Of course not, better 
using Western Union.

PayPal bends to any national regulation in terms of financial control and so it 
will be the same for Starlink,,,

NK may not be an example but many countries seem more to turn like NK than the 

Creating a worldwide net using SW radio is possible but difficult. Need to 
build different radio systems and also to create efficient cryptography for 
They will never allow to play "online video games" but they can be used for the 
transfer of documenttaion, books, transfer orders.... scanned piece of arts,

Musk said that StarLink / quote: "is “designed to run real-time, 
competitivevideo games,”

I'm not sure musk is aware that real-Time video games would imply such games 
runs inside an operating system which is provided with a real-time kernel, but 
the point is that
StarLink IS the TOY there :-)

Imagine a group of people having only limited resources, able to access 
factories to produce "basic" electronic components ... they can build SW ground 
stations. They cannot build a StarLink ground station and they cannot produce 
or event repair a 3D printer which may be even more complicated.

What is the model? USA shining like a sun and bringing its light to every far 
remote territory of earth?
I would rather see USA as a death star, bringing death and chaos to every 
corner of our planet.

A real alternative worldwide internet system should not be based on the 
possibility to 'smuggle" technology from the USA to other territories or to 
depend on a central commercial operator which will provide worldwide internet 
like it provided worldwide payments ... with PayPal...

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