On Sun, Jul 19, 2020, 3:20 AM Peter Fairbrother <pe...@tsto.co.uk> wrote:

> > Sure, it will be a bit faster having 16GiB of RAM and no swap than 8GiB
> > RAM + 8GiB swap if that is an option. However, modern operating systems
> > are designed to swap out out certain things to make the best use of all
> > available RAM and so you will technically not get the full benefit of a
> > RAM upgrade going this route.
> You could, of course, use 8Gib of RAM as a swap ramdisk ...
> I'll get my coat

No need.  Putting your swapfile on tmpfs is how to encrypt your ram,
significantly deterring remanance and emissions attacks on its privacy, but
also crashing many kernels.


> Peter Fairbrother
> It may be, however, that your usage
> > patterns only max out 16GiB of virtual memory usage either way, in which
> > case it may not matter as much.
> >

There is proof inside many peoples' electronics.  Proof that a marketing
group would contract development of a frightening virus.  A virus that
responds to peoples' keystrokes and browsing habits, and changes what
people see on their devices.  A virus that alters political behavior en
masse, for profit.


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