On Sun, Jul 19, 2020 at 11:46:29PM +0000, таракан wrote:
> BTW I do not live in RUSSIA I live in DONBASS

A helicopter extraction (or whatever) of Assange from Supermax is Quixotic and 
leaves Assange on the run, if it were me, I thing I'd rather go to trial, get 
it out of the way, pay the price of the result if I have to.  But I am not 
Assange.  In any case, I would not support such a "movie tier" spectacular 

Folks in Donbass on the other hand could no doubt make a few dollars go a long 
way.  Will you accept a small donation for improving day to day life in 
Donbass, via PayPal?

May be others will chip in too...

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