On 9/1/20 03:08, the following dropped into my email box via the
cypherpunks list:
> grarpamp's call is the right one - to do your own due diligence, get
> a plan/program of regulaly downloading that which is the newest
> latest "leak" before it disappears, and replicate for others not as
> quick as you.

The link via banned.video works if you access it via infowars.com, and
of course there's always setting sail for The Pirate Bay (*cough*
*cough cough*. Decentralized BitTorrent, even if lacking in the
anonymity protection department, is surprisingly censorship resistant if
enough people seed a given torrent. I've tried to seed it, but no takers
so far. It's just under a gigabyte, admittedly not that much space in an
era in which 32GB thumb drives can be had for under US$5 if you know
where to look, so something I'll keep around for a while in case anyone
wants it, and to laugh at in 10 years when it's patently obvious it's
the load of bovine excrement it's been made out to be.

As far as due diligence, I tend to trust USA Today and Politifact over
sources with a questionable track record of neutrality. Evaluating the
sum total of what known reliable sources have to say about a given
documentary film (or other item) *is* my due diligence.

Shawn K. Quinn <skqu...@rushpost.com>

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