Andrew Anglin, just as David Duke, is a trooper - in the constructive,
persistent, creative, mission focussed and mission critical sense of
that word.

Word deconstruction of the day: Anglin - the Angel Within.

Anglin is often vehement, often (oh horror of horrors) guilty of
'shock comedy' in its various forms, yet remains at all times an
example for others, an encouragement to lost Souls to Find
Themselves™©®, th
at timeless imploration to find you're own "angel within" - your Soul
by any other word.

Let no man come between you and God.

Andrew happens to be quite the artist, and has for some years put his
skills to great use in service of his causes - in the face of (as many
of us have experienced, and continue to experience) incredible op
position, de-monetization, censorship, and even MULTIPLE thefts of
domains, beginning with some years back.

David Duke's journey has been no less epic, nor any less RIGHTEOUS and
PRINCIPLED and conducted in DIGNITY, notwithstanding the haters who
fail to either read past the "mainstream" demonisation to the actua
l source material, or further into any depth, to discover the true,
and absolutely epic pathos, truth and facts, principles, history of
discovery, failure, and lifting oneself up 100 times in the face of be
ing beaten down again and again, over and over.

For those able to get past the "mainstream" demonisation propagandia,
a trove of truth, righteousness and principled men are in fellowship
in this training we face, the epic setbacks, the dark nights of the

Would you have it any other way?

Get past the crap, the shock humour, the salty language, and gems
sometimes appear:

   Many Women Write Love Letters to Man Who Killed Pregnant Wife and
Two Baby Daughters

from fellowship to shared principles, journeys worthy, to the
discovery of inherent dignity, notwithstanding.

Can you undo your own internal "I'm triggered" program?  Yes, the
journey is sometimes confronting...

If you have a moment longer, take a moment to appreciate that which,
in this particular case Andrew Anglin brings to the table, an eternal
offering to one and all:

   The First Episode of Raised by Wolves is the Single Best Piece of
Audio-Visual Entertainment I’ve Seen in Years

      .. There are hints within the film that it contains some forbidden
      meaning, symbolism, depth. As far as I am able to tell, this is an
      absolute bluff. A pretentious attempt to turn the viewer into Stanley
      Fish, projecting his own meaning onto the material, which is left
      purposefully vague and opaque. But I know better than to expect anything
      more than a hint at depth. I am content with simple beauty, and a curt
      nod to the idea that something could conceivably exist beyond the bounds
      of the utopian Marxist hell in which we currently reside.

      The entire first episode is available for free on YouTube in full 1080.

      I have only watched the first episode, and I cannot imagine that it gets
      any better in the remaining nine episodes (all of which have been
      released at time of writing). I may eventually watch more of these
      episodes, though I do fear it will pollute this first one, which means so
      much to me now. I know that none of the threads introduced will unravel
      into anything beneficial. I know it because that is impossible now. The
      series was made by HBO, and they would never allow it, nor do I believe
      that the writers would be capable of transmitting meaning even if they
      were allowed to do so.

      Watch it. Don’t look for meaning or expect anything from it. Just enjoy
      that it manifests beauty, and that it hints at the forbidden beyond, in a
      time when neither of those actions are permitted. It has broken the
      rules, and that is a monumental accomplishment.


[if someone would bundle that as a torrent, that would make it
available to us Ossies... TIA]

Assuming everybody's favourite orange swamp drainer remains after Nov
3, short of any more practical alternative appearing, it shall behoove
us to start packing any and every "weak" seat with red hat wearin
g swamp drainers, targetting 2022.  Every weak fence sitter who holds
a seat in any house, whether red or blue, shall be targetted for 2022
replacement by memeing, decorum grabbing, shirt eatin grinning, ac
tual swamp drainers.

We live in the world we currently have.

Our task is to take stepc to move diligently with our fellow Souls
towards the world we want.

Take no shorncut, read whan you must read, learn what you must, meme
what you must.  We collectively have a chance to shift the game big
time...  no longer will the halls of power be left to those who direc
tly oppose us.  Seize the moment - seize YOUR moment...

If you failed to properly read the above, go back and read it
properly, for the sake of the world YOU wish to create.

Create [y]our world muffa's ;)

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