Immigrants and Fighters Against Socialism... Immigrants Against
Socialism for Trump, self-determination, and work Fighters Against Socialism Longer version

Some numbers from yesterday...

Trump *Huge* American Freedom Crowds vs Biden Feeble Lying Geriatric
Democrat Socialists...

Trump... 3000+ cars and 60 minutes, filling airport pad and hangers... Trump rally Sanford,FL...
much fun, future, and truth Unique VIP cam view

Biden... 30 cars and 25 minutes, in a leftover parking lot... Biden Severe Gaffe Fest Toledo,OH

Democratic nominee Joe Biden delivered a speech in front of around 30
socially distanced cars of supporters at a drive-in rally on Monday in
a warring event with Vice President Mike Pence who was also in the
Buckeye State.
The 77-year-old gave remarks on the economy in front of United Auto
Workers in a half-empty Toledo parking lot as Pence spoke to hundreds
of supporters in the capitol of Columbus on Columbus Day.
Biden's 25-minute speech was at times also derailed by supporters of
President Trump, who stood on a nearby street corner and loudly
chanted four more years as the Democratic presidential hopeful spoke.
Biden didn't necessarily get a warm welcome, with Trump supporters
lining a road to the union hall, waving Trump 2020 flags and far
outnumbering the Democratic nominee's fans.
Almost nobody showed up to the Sleepy Joe Biden Rally in Ohio. The
reporting and polls are a Media Con Job Fake News, Trump tweeted on
Monday afternoon.
So Biden is coughing and hacking and playing fingers with his mask,
all over the place, and the Fake News doesn't want to even think about
discussing it.
Joe Biden has let the Unions down always has, always will! he tweeted,
sharing the video of his supporters interrupting Biden's speech.

At the end of his speech the former veep flubbed his lines, telling
voters to head to instead of, the Democrats
voting participation hub, and turned to a worker for help getting off
the stage.
Which way am I going? he then asked his campaign staff, speaking into the mic.
And Kamala didn't do shit all day but inject more Corona FUD
and other bogus claptrap from her broken little video squawk box.


Biden Still Making Excuses to Take The Knee... How Pathetic!

The planet full of Socialist Communist Dictator and Mideast countries
will totally eat Biden, Kamala, and the USA for lunch.

At this point, and for innumerable reasons,
Americans would be utterly insane to elect Biden-Kamala!


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