For those who missed the memo on dey black revival, Ms Beatty here to set dey 
record straight, Yo  :)

Beatty - she on dey mission :D

   There are two type of black folk in this world Black people and N_$$@s 

      ... "First of all, let's make something very clear, alright?  Whether I
      got White, Black, Spanish, Orange, Blue people following me - they're
      people!  That's number one."

      ... "The niggers, are just gonna be niggers, and harass White people,
      because that's all they know how to do."

      "... No sweetie we don't "feel your pain", 'cause you're a nigger!"

      ... "You are ignorant because you want to be a victim."

      ... "A real man understands the concept of solving a problem; while a
      NIGGER complains!  That's what Negros do - complain!  Ignorant people,
      complain!  You sit, and you complain, and you whine 'Oh White man do this
      to me, you need to feel what muh struggle feel like' - NO sweetie!  YOU
      ARE EFFEMINATE.  You need a daddy in your life!  You didn't have no daddy
      and you was raised by a momma who was heartbroken, and that's why you
      even have the attitude that you have..."

Oh yeah muh peeps, "feel the pain!" :D  Bevelyn dropping truth bombs like they 
goin outta fashion muffas!

She da bomb!

She got 18 more minutes for y'all, and she set aside her cookin for y'all - she 
done told us :)

Bevelyn Beatty - mic drop African American champion, of dey world!  Ohh, yeah, 
you know you love it...

Create your world people - this fine woman ain't sittin around complainin, 
instead she be settin her community on fire.

Thank you Bevelyn Z Beatty!

On Fri, Aug 07, 2020 at 09:19:00PM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> Bevelyn Z Beatty: "I came here to gloat":
>    youtube-dl -f93
>    # ~50MiB, ~12mins
>    Tell us how you really feel Joe Biden!-4qX1y9bf6ok.mp4
> ----- Forwarded message from Zenaan Harkness <> -----
> From: Zenaan Harkness <>
> Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2020 20:54:43 +1000
> Subject: BLM's worst nightmare, Bevelyn Beaty - "Bring it on! We gonna clean
>  up our streets…" - [PEACE]
> Quote of the decade:
>    Q. from Leah Bella Bella:
>       .. The Dems are trying everything to get Trump out of office.
>       They've tried [blaming him for] Covid, they've tried riots, the 
> anarchists are his fault, everything,
>       and the "liberals" are not going to stop,
>       and they're seeing though that it's not affecting Trump's base;
>       So what do they have to do? They have to cheat;
>       so they're going to try this mail in ballots, and they're gonne try to 
> cheat.
>       So what I want to know is, now that you have a platform ... are you 
> going to say something about these mail in ballots…?
>    A. from Bevelyn Beatty:
>       Well the reality is I'm already speaking on it.
>       The thing is this, you would have to be retarded, to think that you're 
> going to mail in a ballot.
>       Like some things are just, you know? [retarded]
>       [Chinese state media editor-in-chief ashs if US is 'mentally retarded']
>       … How could you think "I'm going to mail in a ballot, and they [Dems] 
> are just going to be diligent, and they're going to accept it and ...
>       This is the Democrat party we're talking about, THEY'RE CROOKS!
>       They're going to STEAL it, what do you THINK is going to happen?
>       The only way you can do that, for me personally, I would go [to vote in 
> person];
>       I heard what you're saying, I [generally] will NOT wear a mask,
>       I will raise HELL about a mask,
>       But I will wear one, to go in there, and get my vote, down!
>       Because the reality is this: AFTER the mask, if you _don't_ get your 
> vote down,
>       it might be the chip!
>       Put it on for a second, and go in there, and vote; that is vital.
>       Also take a screenshot [photo] of your vote, keep documentation of your 
> vote, just in case people try to play you, and wanna recount votes...
> ----- Forwarded message from Zenaan Harkness <> -----
> From: Zenaan Harkness <>
> Date: Fri, 7 Aug 2020 20:30:48 +1000
> Subject: BLM's worst nightmare, Bevelyn Beaty - "Bring it on! We gonna clean
>  up our streets…" - [PEACE]
>    BLM Just Met Its Worst Nightmare! Guest Bevelyn Beatty!-PVFXKMDOo8Q
>    [Wayne Dupree Show]
>      youtube-dl -f243+251
>      # ~228MiB, ~ 1:10
> Found here:
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> ----- End forwarded message -----

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