This is only humorous in the magnitude of Western moronicity.

Even just lightly perusing this utterly link packed, succinct, dated, summary 
of Russia ever failing, Russia and Putin collapsing, Russia the greatest 
threat, Putin the world's most powerful man and the ultimate threat for many 
years to the "Rules-based international order" and powerful interferer in most 
of the major Western elections - this little article evidently took quite a bit 
of effort to collate, and may well be useful in the future due to how jam 
packed it is.  Enjoy over malt on ice:

   Russophrenia... Or How A Collapsing Country Runs The World
      Patrick Armstrong via The Strategic Culture Foundation

      Russophrenics are unaffected by reality. Russia’s success? Forget
      maleficence and try competence.
      Its military is designed to defend the country, not rule the world:
      a less expensive and attainable aim.

      Its economy – thanks to Western sanctions – has made it probably the only
      autarky in the world.
      Election interference is a falsehood designed to damage Trump and
      exculpate Clinton which has been picked up by Washington’s puppies. But
      don’t bother with mere evidence; As the author of this New Yorker piece

         Such externally guided operations exist, but to exaggerate their
         prevalence and potency ends up eroding the idea of genuine bottom-up
         protest—in a way that, ironically, is entirely congenial to Putin’s
         conspiratorial world view.

      [Scott Adams cartoon not attached]

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