it is not me to accuse somebody of a murderer

zenaan harkness is being forced to post to this list

On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
> btw trump is a murderer
> i am too, but i have a lot less influence than his people do.
> On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
>> On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
>>> there are a lot of posts to this list i want to catch up on.
>>> i am working with software bridges for github issues among the
>>> youtube-dl community.  some of the community are in contact with the
>>> github administration (and EFF) and i'm building small weak channels
>>> to some of the disruption influences, which become obvious when you
>>> try to be peaceful.  The maintainers have moved to gitlab and gitea
>>> but are leaving the situation open, which is developing every day,
>>> slowly.
>>> github has an archival program: .
>>> In addition to deep in arctic ice, all the github event history is
>>> publicized, but the public archives are missing data.  There are 66
>>> thousand youtube-dl accounts with lost youtube-dl history that are
>>> recoverable from the archives.
>>> There is a thread at one of the forks regarding useful decentralized
>>> tools:
>> Sorry, that's the wrong issue.  The correct link is:
>>> It includes many different decentralized git project tools, most of
>>> which are usable now, and 3-5 of which are in-repository bug
>>> management systems.  At least 2 of the repository-based bug management
>>> systems have working code to sync with gitlab and github bugs.  Gitea
>>> is pending because gitea doesn't provide access to history in its api.
>>> The community appears strong on reddit.  People are trying to decide
>>> what hub to consolidate interest into in the wake of youtube-dl's
>>> repository closure.  I'm invested because I need reliable
>>> cryptographic decentralized tools for my situation, so I want to push
>>> the dispersal around until it consolidates into a decentralized tool
>>> that would give me aid if more effort developed near it.
>>> When you hear this your people may want to be invested too: I can't
>>> know.
>>> I'm focusing on git-bug right now, could change.  It's very hard.  I
>>> think others have woo too.
>>> On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
>>>> for peace, be aware that a lot of people have been really severely
>>>> hurt associated with our politics and may hate the word 'america'.
>>>> 'maga' isn't all-inclusive at this time.
>>>> On 11/3/20, Karl <> wrote:
>>>>> what does the video show?
>>>>> On 11/3/20, Zenaan Harkness <> wrote:
>>>>>> ANTIFA riot turned into a MAGA dance party, reminding us folks that
>>>>>> we
>>>>>> are all, in this, together!  Oh yeah ;)
>>>>>> Uplifts, Soul Cookies, and dance parties coming your way
>>>>>> muffalagaMAGAs
>>>>>> :D
>>>>>> Enjoy,
>>>>>>    BLM Riot Turns Into MAGA YMCA Dance Party
>>>>>>    "They're having a dance off now?  Not the way I expected this to
>>>>>> go,
>>>>>>    but OK."
>>>>>>    Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 - MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
>>>>>>    [ymca/maga Trump takes it away ftw]
>>>>>>    Randy Quaid - CRUSHING IT!!! #TrumpPence2020
>>>>>>    Dan Bongino - My daughter doing “the Trump.”
>>>>>>    Dan Scavino🇺🇸🦅 - EPIC!! 30,000+ in Rome, Georgia!
>>>>>>    [Perfect backing track btw :)]
>>>>>>    [-Insane- for a president - absolute Rock Star turnouts!¡!]
>>>>>>    [FIVE mega MAGA rallies a day the last few days!]
>>>>>>    [Epic in every way...]
>>>>>>    Same again:  Hickory, North Carolina:
>>>>>> Off, the, chart-ski!
>>>>>> On Mon, Nov 02, 2020 at 04:35:31PM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
>>>>>>> benny outlines the only
>>>>>>> issue that matters
>>>>>>> oann closing argument
>>>>>>> Kamala getting slammed
>>>>>>> over commie policy of equity via theft
>>>>>>> biden car at fault
>>>>>>> giuliani election
>>>>>>> closing
>>>>>>> arg
>>>>>>> giuliani biden
>>>>>>> corruption
>>>>>>> summary
>>>>>>> mark
>>>>>>> robinson 2a
>>>>>>> biden
>>>>>>> on jumbotron
>>>>>>> populism
>>>>>>> music lol
>>>>>>> Leave the Left
>>>>>>> Kamala Lies Again
>>>>>>> union
>>>>>>> patriots exited left
>>>>>>> michigan
>>>>>>> wayne and davis lay it out
>>>>>>> "Equitable treatment means we all end up at the same place. This
>>>>>>> is the reverse of freedom, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
>>>>>>> We guarantee equality under the law, not equality of outcome. I've
>>>>>>> been warning for 5 years that the left is no longer liberal."
>>>>>>> "It is charity and other efforts that pull up the difference."
>>>>>>> LP is investing promulgating long ideas easily becoming more
>>>>>>> popular via Internet and infused with cryptocurrency resources,
>>>>>>> and with the "New Right" mentioning at least some libertarian memes,
>>>>>>> and LP still able to hold ballot access via other means, the above
>>>>>>> comparative arguments throughout the cycle cannot easily be ignored.
>>>>>>> Which US party and subsequent new "laws", installed systems, and
>>>>>>> social
>>>>>>> mass programming will Libertarians find easier to defeat later on
>>>>>>> as the LP mindshare grows into a more influential position???
>>>>>>> Is US Left-Right 50/50, with authoritarian-libertarian line agnostic
>>>>>>> of
>>>>>>> that?
>>>>>>> Choose the battles and what is fighting against and for, and on what
>>>>>>> fronts, how, and when, play both short and long game to win.

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