Newt Gingrich: "lock them up"

   Newt Gingrich: The 'Corrupt' Believe The American People Are "Spineless... 
       Sara Carter via

       Newt Gingrich:
       …First of all, under federal law, we should lock up the people
       who are breaking the law. To stop somebody from being an
       observer, you just broke federal law. Do you hide and put up
       papers so nobody can see what you are doing? You just broke
       federal law. You bring in ballots that aren’t real? You just
       broke federal law.

       I am sick and tired of corrupt left-wing democrats who believe
       that we are too timid and too easy to intimidate, and therefore
       let us just go out and steal it. That’s exactly — no one should
       have any doubt.

       You are watching an effort to steal the presidency of the United
       States. And this is not about Donald Trump. This is about the
       American people. the American people have the right in an honest
       election with honest legitimate ballots to pick their leader or
       are we now just sheep to be dominated by these high-tech
       businesses, the news media, and the various political machines?
       And are we are supposed to surrender? I think this is one of the
       great, this is a crisis in the American system comparable to
       Washington on Christmas Eve or comparable to Lincoln and
       Gettysburg. This is a genuine deep crisis of our survival.

Correia: "F**kery Is Afoot":
 Larry Correia via

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