On Sat, Jan 06, 2018 at 04:59:02AM +0000, CANNON wrote:
> Rumor has it Trump is planning on pardoning Julian Assange, founder of 
> whistleblower website Wikileaks.

Snowden: "Mr. President, if you grant only one act of clemency during
your time in office, please: free Julian Assange. You alone can save his

   Oliver Stone: Here's Why Trump Should Pardon Snowden, Assange

      Filmmaker Oliver Stone has joined the growing chorus of activists
      calling for President Trump to pardon Julian Assange and Edward
      Snowden - without whom we wouldn't know about intrusive government
      surveillance programs, the United States' aggressive drone strike
      program, or that Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign manager and his
      brother are apparently into 'spirit cooking' with a satanic
      performance artist.

      According to Stone, pardoning the pair of whistleblowers "will
      take the edge off his pardons for his family & loyalists by being
      unselfish and not self-serving. And at the least, confound his
      many critics -- as well as future historians."

      Second, "It will drive his enemies in #DeepState and #Media
      absolutely nuts!"

       …  Mr. President, if you grant only one act of clemency during
          your time in office, please: free Julian Assange. You alone
          can save his life. @realDonaldTrump
              — Edward Snowden (@Snowden) December 3, 2020

      … I first became aware of Oliver Stone when in 1986 I was watching
      his film Salvador with an audience of left-wing Santa Barbarians.
      They were enjoying this madcap cinematic indictment of Uncle Sam’s
      imperialist crimes in Central America—until a scene in which the
      rebel forces, riding to town like a Marxist cavalry in the
      righteous cause of The People, began executing the unenlightened.
      Then the boos rang down.

      Who is this guy, I wondered. My curiosity was whetted further when
      the P.C. reviewer in the Los Angeles Herald denounced Stone’s
      screenplays for earlier films: “Movies like Midnight Express,
      Scarface, and Year of the Dragon are such grand-scale xenophobic
      fever-dreams that they almost demand to be remade into operas,
      complete with belching smoke and lurid lighting and crimson-suited
      devils scurrying out of the wings to pitchfork lily-white Mother

      Ah, a left-wing America Firster!

      Not quite, as his subsequent work and his entertaining new memoir,
      Chasing the Light, illumine, but Oliver Stone, our most political
      major filmmaker, evinces a rowdily heterodox vision shaped by the
      unusual quartet of Jim Morrison, Sam Peckinpah, Frank Capra, and
      Jean-Luc Godard.

      … At root, Oliver Stone is a patriot who despises the American
      Empire for corrupting his country.


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