On Sat, Dec 5, 2020 at 10:47 PM grarpamp <grarp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Completely refusing Central Bank and Corporate Digital Currencies
> no matter what the cost, is one absolute requirement to maintaining
> human freedom. CB and Corp DC's are a clear and present danger
> that must be fought.

Yeah.  Where would you archive data and bust firewalls?

<snip: I didn't read links, but I'm somewhat familiar with the bsv
controversy, having been in the community and seen people speak in
uninformed lies to each other as if they are speaking the truth>

> "BSV is a completely open public ledger of account because Bitcoin was
> designed to be private for personal use while retaining transparency
> for regulatory compliance and room for personal audits."

The quote from craig wright is an obvious falsehood that is misleading
people and producing action.  As a political target, I can report that
I have been forced to develop a habit of lying.  I don't know where
BSV came from, but it is the only blockchain I know that provides for
both storage of large on-chain data and execution of small on-chain
software.  I think it (not craig wright) is a ninja, happy to die if
it saves the world in doing so.

> systems offering carriage over the future's New Silk Road trade routes

Just to note, New Silk Road is still figuring out who they want to be,
and we are actively guiding where that is going to go.

There are places everybody wants it to go, and it's going to go to
them, but as we steer it, it goes other places first.  A lot of people
who don't want it to go the places it inevitably will, are struggling
at its helm.

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